
Personally, I’m a fan of Bernie’s ride.

My wife and I opnce spent a friday evening sitting on opposite sides of the same couch texting each other emojis back and forth. She has an iPhone, while I have a Nexus 5. While she drank her wine, and I sipped my bourbon, we compared and contrasted all the differences, and she even rated which dog emojis were cuter

Most responses to this seem to be smarmy rebuttals, but I’ll just nod and say, “No damn planned obsolescence”.
Cuss, they even gave the roadsters a nice update recently instead of abandoning them entirely, even if it cost quite a bit.

I think they were shamed into most of those....

You lost me at “setting you back just $105,895"

Excellent. So taking big money from big money donors to fight big money in politics is how we’re going to affect change?

I don’t think you understand what’s being argued.

I get that.

high priced fundraising dinners in general are bad. that’s the point. the american campaign system is disgusting.

It would have helped if they’d been better actors. It’s a really fun idea though.

Other downside—not iOS. Which is something some people like?

That’s all well and good. And I get it. But I’m wrapped up in the Apple iOS universe with multiple devices that all work togeather. It is a choice I made many many years ago and one I’m basically happy with. I also can’t imagian a reason I would need 200gb. My 64gb 5s is only half full after 4 or so years.


This is what I typically do:

There comes a point in time when a car is just not worth fixing anymore.

This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

The door of Jabbas palace was a matte! I didn't know. Brilliant!