
Even the article you cite to (on a number of occasions) shows that a substantial number of women were assaulted by people whose background wasn’t German. That’s a fact. Where’s your cite showing that the railway company is singling out Syrians (you don’t have one) and not just concerned that Germany is, in fact, a

Where are you finding a group with “often differing” opinions?

“it’s not a land where men “view women as objects for their use and pleasure” — at least no more than the USA or Europe.”

I’m enjoying how when Gawker’s own flaming demise is the breaking news, it takes its sweet ass time and then a thoughtful analysis as to what to post next.

and she steals jokes ...

In other news, people who have no understanding of a legal proceeding are confused by events in a legal proceeding.

Too bad he didn’t leak a videotape of it, so that Gawker could post it against her wishes and profit to the tune of 15 million.

Probably not. (source: see Gene Munster’s much publicized predictions about an “Apple TV”)

Ah yes, wasn’t Gene Munster the guy who basically guaranteed an Apple TV year after year ... Yeah, his record’s pretty good on this type of thing, I'm sure he'll be right this time ...

The assumption here is that Jezebel has some interest in getting stories “right” versus generating clicks (and playing up outrage) for ad revenue. I don’t think they do. One of their favorite types of stories is the “OMFG, Walmat blames Tracy Morgan’s injuries on Tracy Morgan!1!1!” where Walmart does nothing more than

Of course it’s not a “typo” at all, is it. A “typo” is something like “Californis,” which is pretty understandable because the “s” key is right next to the “a” key on the keyboard. Here, you’re purporting to give a valid opinion about a legal proceeding and it turns out, you’re really not the right person to be doing

Try looking into how far you get with a “practical admission” in a legal proceeding ...

Jezebel: Where you go to meet hundreds of other internet commenters and exchange ideas EXACTLY like the ones you have.

Tough talk by completely anonymous internet commenters is the toughest type of talk.

I never use Siri, but I just bought a 2016 Passat with CarPlay and find myself using Siri quite a bit because the iPhone itself is stashed away in a closed compartment, so your only real option is to use CarPlay (ie, I can’t just start typing something in).

Sure, I was going to get that car anyway and just waited for the 2016 because of a number of new features, one of which was CarPlay. That said, I'm not real big fan of 3rd party, after market equivalents so I'm good with the one that came with the car.