He won't.
He won't.
I assume that everyone from the Centre will likewise refrain from partaking in any activity that isn’t indigenous to that person’s roots.
People who write anonymous notes and commenters on the Internet are pretty much the same: they'll say all kinds of shit they wouldn't dare say to your face.
Tony Bourdain has always tried to position himself at the cool kids’ table, with his fellow cool guy cooks from NYC, and then rips on pretty much anyone who isn’t a part of that group ... it’s tiresome.
Maybe as a lawyer she understood that Gawker’s contribution to the discussion would be similar to when it trolls for clicks by failing to understand the basic principle of comparative fault and, so, Gawker wasn’t invited.
Oh please, the title is intentionally deceptive and let’s not pretend like one weasel word changes that intent.
“There’s no way in hell I’ll get arrested 30 times for posing as a transit worker ...” - Darius McCollum
OMG when people see this ad they're going to drug their friends and do awful things to them when they otherwise wouldn't!!!1!
What specific things did the president do (or fail to do) that should result in his firing?
Jezebel’s business model depends in part on trading clicks (resulting in ad revenue) for completely unsubstantiated, unilateral allegations that later might (or might not) be found to be true. Here, the post is at 5,000 clicks and rising rapidly, with the commentariat drawing conclusions about the state of dining in…
A “typo” is when you mistakenly hit the wrong key like if I were to try to spell “California,” then hit the wrong key and it comes out “Californix,” for example. Here, you just mistunderstood how the word was spelled, that’s not a “typo.”
Nicki prefers to joke about people in wheelchairs instead ...
“If my attorney said some shit like that I’d fire him.”
“He also took a shot at culinary school graduates who refused to start at entry-level positions. “Never, in any of those years, not once, did anyone walk into my restaurant — any American-born kid — walk into my restaurant and say, ‘I’d like a job as a night porter or a dishwasher,” he said. “Even a prep cook — few…
Except that it assumes that corporations have ways to monetize you at their disposal that they’ll choose not to employ only until the going gets really rough. And that’s a patent fallacy. Here, even if absolutely nobody were using AdBlock, Google still would have have rolled out YouTube Red if it meant earning more…
Given the complete uniformity of the comments agreeing with the ridiculous title of the post, it’s clear that any even remotely dissenting voices were silenced on this blog long ago.
“She needs to give up that dream like yesterday.”
Gee, it sure was big of Anna to bury her apology 9 paragraphs into a piece whose title and first 8 paragraphs concentrate exclusively on the actions and failures of Rolling Stone. Bravo, that takes a lot of courage.
She buried an apology in like the 9th paragraph of an article that concentrated on the actions of Rolling Stone. I've seen nothing to show that she ever apologized to the actual people that she ripped without cause and her apology doesn't come close to being sufficient.
Since you didn't cover it here, I assume you're in the process of preparing a lengthy article calling Trevor Noah a fat shamer, antisemitic, a misogynist and all around total asshole.