
Official winner of the ‘Glass Half Full’ contest

Can’t even try to add to this one....Bra-fucking-vo, good Sir!

Not religious but gotta say “Amen” to that...

+1 for blatant racial overtones AND bringing up horrible childhood memories at the hands of my older brother...

Must find my safe space now.

Surprisingly low rating for Pegula if only for the fact that:
a) Self made guy who had to borrow $7500 to start his business
b) Cried when introduced as owner of the Sabres because he was a fan of the team first (Debateable if he was crying while thinking “WTF did I just do?”...and I’m a Sabres fan)
c) Obviously has no

Who can forget Randall “Tex” Cobb...he of Uncommon Valor & Fletch Lives fame...
A man who took on Holmes and Spinks, was considered to have one of the best chins in boxing, and most importantly, the image anyone now has whenever someone tells the a joke that includes the name “Ben Dover”...

*slow clap*
Bra-fucking-vo for hitting the nail right on the head!

Remember when Dane Cook was really funny?

Me neither.


Whether it was Scarberia, Blansdowne, The Danny or Yonge & Eligible that voted, “The 6" got ‘em....and also made for enjoyable newspaper reading outside the GTA.
***Oh, and I also wish to reiterate “FUCK TORONTO” for supporting use of “The 6", or the accompanying grammatical horror show of a slogan “We The North”

That’s “Goal-Scoring, Hot-Dog Eating Champ of the Entertainment District”... I mean that about Kessel, not Ford.

Toronto is the city that will still whine about not following the code, waiting to bean Battista, and “the cheap shot” Odor landed on Joey Bats, but then turn around and wants him gone because he’s injury prone/under performing/being paid too much/past his prime.
Its the same city that brought Phil Kessel in to score

This is why I read the comments section.

I think you can get rid of “athletic” in that statement...

Admittedly not a huge b-ball fan, but found it ridiculous Bosch was declaring Warfarin against the Heat for trying to show him some Lovenox by not clearing him medically....

*annnndddd I think I hurt myself reaching for something funny to say...

+1 for the snot-bubble inducing comment

I’d be willing to bet those coaches working the refs are the same dads who coach only to ensure their kid gets a lot of playing time, that their expertise is based upon their many years of playing at advanced levels (ie. high school, not travelling) before their sports related injury forced them to stop, and that they

Or they can take a page from minor soccer in Ontario - don’t keep score....
So this Mini-Bus causing brain injuries on fools stepping up would be for nothing because “there are no winner or losers”....
Fuck all those “Participant” ribbons and cheap medals - there are winners and losers in EVERYTHING, get used to it!!!


I snorted out loud with this one...

I have no doubt Jesus was a master with the lumber, really able to nail things, but his game lacked defence...HUGE hole in his glove.

*goes back to wasting company time looking for someone elses meme to try and make this comment funny*