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“...And then it filtered down through the department stores and trickled down into some tragic Casual Corner where you no doubt fished it out of some clearance bins...”

R. Kelly’s new clothing brand.

Especially the ones bathed in late afternoon sunrays.

“trickle down fashion”

Jena- jfc, that is pretentious.

OMG my local feed store knocked off his entire collection! Oh snap!

It seems like the notable element is the loose fit at the ankle. I can’t get a sense of it with the black sneaker. If the fit is the same I can see the point. If not, then it’s just a basic sneaker. Besides isn’t that the point of most mall brands, to have access to downscaled designer looks?

If you create something that is that easy to knock-off, then you deserve it.

Winter Storm Georgia O’Keefe

I expect shite from her, I’m sure that’s what the audience got.

Interesting fact:

What is he looking for?


That made me laugh, but I’d probably panic-kick anyone that stared me in the eye and yelled Creed at me. I burned my ass in a tanning booth (it was for a wedding) because I was stuck in the booth mostly naked when Creed came on the radio and I jumped. I blame Scott Stapp and Creed’s garbage music.

But don’t you want to be taken higher?

Any jury would acquit you. Self-defense, no question.

I would murder anyone who creedbombed me.