
That’s true. I’m assuming that his victims were female. I do think theres a complex dynamic in cases where victims are male at the hands of male abusers — there’s homophobia plus a greater reverence for male sexual agency and identity. So maybe there’s no net difference in reaction, but the reasons are different.

It’s funny how the perceived value of a lucrative entertainer is clearly still higher than women’s basic human rights. “But he’s a rare talent!!” “But he attacked me!” “Well...?” *shrugs*

Oh jeez, well it’s what I vaguely recall from a sociology 101 class I took. I know there is some actual research on this — they break down the “rungs” into income brackets and basically very few people ever manage to move more than one step up, even fewer make it two steps up. I’ll try to find the source material.

I have either failed miserably or succeeded so spectacularly at sarcasm that it was entirely undetectable. Thanks haha :)

Yeeah I was joking, but you and 11 others have demonstrated knowledge of his original teeth lol.

Yeah, my parents were teachers which is shit pay, and they paid handsomely into a state retirement fund but at least have about 75% of their pre retirement income. I thought getting a corporate job meant I was set for life, started saving in my 401k only to get screwed after a reorg. Nothing is a sure fire solution

As a childless single for life who had to raid my short lived 401k after a layoff, retirement looks like a sleeping bag under a bridge at this point. I'm not worried about me, it's just sadder than sad to imagine the decades of hard work most if not all of these people put in and now politicians are nickel and diming

Can you vape pot? Or some derivative? If this flavored crap smells anything like flavored hookah bullshit I oppose it vehemently.

Yes kids, what is a vape and what is the substance in this vape and why? I'm old is there a Netflix about this?

Thanks. That was the joke.

Yes, being sarcastic. Forgot to include footnote to indicate sarcasm.

Yup. Being slightly sarcastic but with all due respect to the master of coolness.

Tis true. I kind of liked his fangy originals.

The most amazing British teeth in history.

There’s a nipple, clear as day. Stop freaking out.

I’m pretty fat so I don’t see how you can be skinny fat. Emaciated, skinny, drugs, smoker, vegetarian, beer, 30+, corporate carbs, children, antidepressants... That's kind of how it progresses.

I agree, it’s not categorically wrong, but cmon, I’m moderately talented and I’d rather be poor (as I am) than sell pictures of my mammary glands. I have more to offer and so does Rita, whatever it is she does. I don’t know TR but he sounds like a perv and apparently it’s getting him rich, so fuck him and everyone who

It's why I believe irony is written in our DNA. Health nuts can die young and alcoholic depressives can make it begrudgingly into old age.

Well shit, my vagina is self-steaming. She must be positively EMBALMED. Everyone is younger than this carcass. Lol.