Hair Of The Salty Dog

I love how quickly he jumps up and keeps jamming with his legs pressed firmly together. Nice recovery, my man.

So true. No one has ever hit on me in my entire extensive career of flying...but then, I am the sort who sits down, opens up a book or magazine, and emanates a “DON’T TALK TO ME” vibe, so they don’t even really have a way to get an edge in. Man, woman, child, you’re getting Bitchface.

They were babies. A freshly hatched batch, I guess, given that they were all in a mass? *shudder*

I went to camp in Louisiana, which is of course a whole state filled with swampy things that want to kill you. I was taking canoeing lessons with fellow campers, and we were doing the bit where you purposely tip the canoe and practice getting back in. There we were, all bobbing around in the small pond, when one of

Parent Trap.

Just sayin’!

Maybe it’s homeopathic.

When Hillary was Secretary of State my various right-wing family members would sometimes post stories or pictures of her being badass with some sentiment along the lines of “Too bad she didn’t get elected instead of Obummer!” And I would sigh inside, thinking of the wall of shit to come when she actually did run for

I have no problem admitting that I judge the shit out of anyone who spends thousands of dollars on a motherfucking purse.

How common is it to call mahi mahi “dolphin”? This is something I’m familiar with, and I haven’t spent a lot of time in Florida.

I wonder if she feels that way because she’s older now, and gets more shit than she used to?

I’m not sure of the actual character background, but he looked about 30. Because he was. So: creepy.

Yep, she was taking them up one side and down the other. Didn’t say it wasn’t justified, but she certainly wasn’t quoting the Dalai Lama at them.

It’s too bad he’s not younger, so he could have the time to go through whatever Magic Rehabilitation Machine Mike Tyson went through. Then he could go right back to making money like nothing had ever happened.

I always hated how Ricky treated Lucy like a child, and that that bland, formless fuck Fred was so mean to Ethel. I actually hated any of the shows that paired large, oafish men making no effort at their appearance with dainty, pretty women with pearls, dresses, hairdos... which was a lot from that era. I also always

Well, she was lighting them up pretty hard in the video, verbally at least. But... I’ve never been made to get out of a car during a traffic stop, so what lead to her being in the position to kick an officer anyway, if that did occur? Even if she was cursing them out while they tried to deliver the ticket, do you

I am making a moue of horror at any world in which Domino’s pizza is the best.

Yes. How did that happen?

I believe at one point there were a shocking number of White House staff from Liberty. Under Bush, obvs.

Yes. I worked at PIRG for a summer and they definitely tried to make up for lousy pay and a horrible job with partying. Kept in hanging in, though.