Low quality bait
Low quality bait
These are the kind of articles that have made Kotaku a laughingstock among gamers. Although I suppose it’s emblematic of most of the websites that were under the Gawker banner. This is such a reach it’s absolutely ridiculous and I think anyone with common sense can see that.
This article is emblematic of why the Dems will fail again in 2020.
Super Mario 3D Land
Well, just to reiterate, I gave you the citation you requested. I notice you’ve posted since and I guess have simply opted not to respond. Have a nice day.
I will state that nobody is trying to de-legitimize the experience of domestic violence victims or rape victims. Clearly you missed the part where the discussion was on the weaponization of false claims. It’s a little curious that you require sources as if this is some completely unheard of thing to happen. You asked…
You’re going to get a lot of flak (in fact you already have) but these are fair assessments. People miss that the mere accusation alone can ruin the lives of men. It’s also funny how these same people trashing you don’t seem to realize that it’s not unheard of for women to weaponize false claims or decide they didn’t…
You break the rules you get suspended or fired. How is this news?
You forgot the biggest sign- existing.
They don’t talk about Benoit because he did a truly horrendous thing. It’s not like they’re putting him on a pedestal. They just don’t talk about him. And what would be the point?
Wow. Consider me hyped.
The son of Prince Robot IV all grown up!
Comics seem to be pulling this off pretty well recently. And animes are already adaptions of manga. So clearly adapting can work?
Funny this is how I feel about most cases of internet outrage on things regarding video games!
I’ve never really understood why one would walk around with their knickers showing.
So...47% did vote for Trump?
My Wii U is still plugged in, so awesome. And I saw your comment below. It’s not a waste of time if it makes consumers happy. You’re only saying that because YOU’RE not happy they’re being released on Wii U rather than Switch or 3DS. Don’t project, lad.
I don’t think it’s that simple at all. I feel like simply calling this a remaster does it an injustice. When I think of remasters I think of games that have relatively minor differences or small graphical differences from the original. But this game has MAJOR graphical upgrades and from what I understand there were…
Oh the irony...
So I bought the PS3 version of SOTC awhile back during a flash sale. Should I play that version or would I be better served just waiting? Any opinions?