
Can’t wait to see Mario + Rabbids be great and all the haters eat crow just like they did for Wind Waker or Kingdom Hearts.

How evil.

So, correct me if I’m wrong here, but you’re denying people who identify as something they aren’t physically in one case but OKing it in another case because you don’t think it’s real? So, essentially, you believe you can dictate whether someone’s self-identity issues are real or not. The very fact that you deny the

But who gets to dictate what is frivolous and isn’t? I mean many transgender people feel more comfortable dressing clothes geared for the gender they identify with so is that frivolous? And how would it be less frivolous than feeling more comfortable with being around a specific race? I think it’s no big secret that

I mean in all fairness we had legalized slavery and yet bandy about the crown “leader of the free world.” It was already pretty ironic. Not only that but we put Japanese people in internment camps during World War II. Pretty interesting stuff for the supposed leaders of the free world!

Those damn evil white people!

Eh he’s probably not getting enough attention at home.

Swing and a miss.

Swing and a miss. This is why you shouldn’t make...ASSumptions!

“the Leader Of The Free World herself, German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”

If you say so, child.

People get shot and of course the users here have to make it political. All I can do is shake my head.

Or these games have been in development for awhile on 3DS? Secondly it makes logical sense to put these games on 3DS when it’s still being supported by Nintendo and has a massive install base. Not sure if you mentioned it but Atlus has already announced games for Switch as well.

These are the things we’re focusing on even though the USA continues to fall further and further behind the rest of the world in education. Educators aren’t paid enough. School programs like Common Core are disastrous.

Git gud, scrub.

Very well.

If you say so, lad.

It was simply an observation. Hope it goes well for them, though.

No need to be testy, child. I was merely making an observation.