I mean there are other employment options if one option is too much for one to handle.
I mean there are other employment options if one option is too much for one to handle.
You’re proud...of being blocked...on Twitter? O...kay.
Another Hearthstone rip?
I think it’s funny how people can never seem to have disagreements online without name-calling and other such infantile displays. Morally, I believe Chelsea Manning did the right thing. It’s always good to expose these atrocities that go on unbeknownst to the public. However, I do believe that it sets a dangerous…
Gotta love that female privilege.
Too bad Orton has succeded in a way few “wrestling royals” have. Orton has been in WWE for well over a decade and has deserved every bit of success he’s gotten. I’m not the biggest Orton fan in the world, granted, but I woudn’t say he hasn’t done things to earn his position.
It’s great one option suits you. But that’s exactly the benefit of having options to begin with.
Did...did you just assume their parental status?
Matt Stonie is awesome been watching his videos for awhile now and definitely suggest them!
Er...did you read his post? He clearly said that white people speak in informal dialects as well. I mean there are plenty of informal speech patterns that white people use as well. When you do these things it reflects poorly on you regardless of race. But there is a difference between casual speech and formal speech.…
Well I suppose you have no retort. Have a nice day, lad.
People applauding it is not the point here. TC said these would be features in a free patch but I was listing cases where it’s not the case. Sure there are examples that don’t, but it does happen.
Er...Mario Kart 8? Er...Fire Emblem Awakening? Er...New Super Mario Bros. 2? Er...Smash Bros.? Er...Hyrule Warriors?
Capcom and Namco Bandai literally sell reskins for real money. FPS generally have map DLC. BotW is literally at least a 100 hour game by itself but you’re complaining additional content is paid DLC? Seems kinda funny to me, lad.
I think that if I buy a car I will expect the features that are listed not ones that are merely speculation.
a hypothetical expected announcement does not make it something that should be expected
so you bought the console knowing full well it wasn’t on the system?
Yeah but attach rate looks at copies sold per consoles sold. So that would make it over 100%. But I would figure Zelda isn’t the only game people have ever bought more than one copy of.
It could be people got Zelda since it’s readily available but couldn’t get a Switch since Nintendo is having issues keeping it on shelves.
Yeah but my computer is potato.