
This looks awesome. Looks like I might have to get an Xbox One after all even though I’ve got a PS4

The evil white people strike again!

Yeah that’s modern day journalism for ya.

Lots of crazy stuff these days:

Good thing this was recorded or the accusation alone would have ruined his life.

It’s always interesting how quickly people are to bash whitewashing but say nothing of the blackwashing that has become very prevalent lately: A multi-race group in Josie and the Pussycats was made all black and Roland was made black (which is pretty significant if you have any knowledge of the second book). Or what

“There is something about black women in positions of power and influence that brings out the devil in white men. The residue of evil clings to them like a moldy cloak.”

Ah the old population excuse. Secondly he’s of mixed heritage. Your post has more spin in it than a typical TV news report.

Imagine the buzz this game would be getting if it didn’t release right before BOTW!

Anyone else think of the KISS song Hide Your Heart?

The reason I don’t think it works as well is because consoles (and phones) offer exclusive experiences. These are exclusive games, exclusive services, and exclusive control schemes in some cases. The experience one has on a PS4 is incredibly different from what one might experience on a Wii U for example.

Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo makes sense due to exclusive titles, dramatic differences in controllers and play controls, and numerous other variations in visible UI that you interact with all the time. Similar applies to Apple and Android. All of these offer very visible and in sometimes exclusive experiences that can

There are fanboys....for graphics cards? Fanboys....for graphics cards. Fanboys...for graphics cards. Fanboys....for graphics cards.

I disagree with his political views but I find his content humorous so I’ll keep watching.

And yet if he didn’t acknowledge today you’d still write an article and complain.

Trump is a dumbass no doubt. But I mean Obama was also the first black president. Kinda makes sense that his crowd would be massive. That was a pretty historic event. Not trying to take sides. Just saying.

Yeah and lose the only games-only console maker? Nah

When one new just isn’t new enough.

Sometimes I wonder why gamers make fun of Kotaku, but reminders are never far from that question.

I could never be a doctor and things like this are why. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t it seems.