
Damn we’re even attacking his food preferences now? Wow, that’s all I can say.

Having played this game tons you have to respect something like that. Amazing shot.


“Of course, the company didn’t phrase it that way because it would have to spend another $11 million cleaning up all the mess from the white people’s heads that exploded.”

Loved it! And yeah it was the PS3 version. Although I played the original version on the GCN way back in the day albeit very briefly.

Well I beat Tales of Symphonia last weekend so I’ve moved on to Tales of the Abyss. This is a series I never really touched so these past few weeks have been pure euphoria. Really loving these games. My intention is to marathon them but I’ll likely play Zelda after Abyss just to have a small break. Then I’ll play

They have to have the sensationalist headline, mane

I don’t particularly care for Sterling, but I view this whole thing as an assault on freedom of speech. Glad he won.

Tales of Symphonia!

I think the media loves to blow things like this out of proportion. The media is all about tearing people down. Real news, real reporting, and real fact finding are dead. If they ever even lived to begin with. You can read an article about the same thing on 5 different websites and come away with 5 different spins.

I hope it does well. Bodes well for anime adaptions in the future.

Well when I said “assets” I literally meant character models, music, etc. that were used to build OOT were simply recycled for Majora’s Mask. I would argue this isn’t prominent in most sequels (which usually use updated assets or entirely new ones).

Well “improvement” is a strong word, and I didn’t really see anything I’d call an “improvement” in Majora’s Mask. Some elements were interesting (like the masks) but I’d still take OOT any day. And I don’t have 90s nostalgia with OOT just for reference. My first Zelda was Wind Waker (which is my personal favorite).

Hey I got a little something for you.

That psychology is a problem when looking at games from the past. Witbout OOT establishing the standard for 3D Zelda there would have been no Majora’s Mask. In fact Majora’s Mask relies on so many elements (and assets) from OOT to consider it better is ludicrous.(meant to post this here. Oops)

Disregard this post.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I didn’t really find this funny. Then again it’s hard for me to find humor in what is happening.

There are a lot of used items people buy and expect to function as well as a new product thought. Dishware, books, tables, etc. I mean there’s plenty of items on the secondhand market that can easily be tested for quality and many that hold up just as well as a used video game. My point is, everything can and is sold