
This makes me wonder if anyone who started watching when the show is still watching today. Twenty or so years would be one helluva long time for a payoff.

I don’t usually buy season passes but I’ll buy this one because 25 is reasonable to me. I mean it translates to roughly 4 bucks per DLC pack.

People will still bitch and moan because that’s what people love to do on the internet.

Phew. Thanks for this article. I almost went the whole day without being angry!

Kill la Kill was pretty gratuitous in regards to perverted stuff.

That it did, lad.

Yeah because dragons have only existed since GOT!

Does it not trouble anyone how easily facebook and twitter are hacked?

It’s sort of ironic how the people trying to blow over this whole scandal in the DNC would be the same people mindlessly bashing Trump and using it as another reason not to support him. Not that I’d ever support Trump in a million years but the DNC has guaranteed I won’t vote for another Democrat for a long time.

In the USA the only people you’re legally allowed to attack are your children. Clearly these atheletes should have kids to take their aggression out on.

I already said that

Well congratulations. Not everyone feels the same way you do which is obviously why these things persist.

You of course realize it’s possible to download patches and whatnot off torrent sites right? Plus PC games might make up the bulk of video game piracy but it’s not the whole shebang.

Pretty sure “wrong” opinions can get you fired almost anywhere.

Honestly I think this is the sort of attitude that’s problematic. You took his view point to the extreme just to get a shot in. And that’s honestly a reason many people reject the ideologies you promote. You bring needless name-calling into the equation which really doesn’t help anyone to come around to your

Those are some small...Dickletts!

“PewDiePontiff” LOL too awesome. +3

I have never seen people try so hard to marginalize the opinion of people not interested in a movie based on what’s been shown as much as what I’ve seen with this Ghostbusters movie. It’s honestly mind boggling.

Yep. Midgets.