
First of all it’s “you’re” Maybe learn proper grammar before trying to imply someone else isn’t smart. Secondly what I’m saying is that murder is worse than some subjective label “weird.” So if you’re going to judge an entire group based on a few people you realize it’s acceptable to label all gamers murderers based

“Some do silly or disturbing things so they are all silly or disturbing.” Damn I guess gamers should embrace the image of not being able to take care of their children because they’re too busy playing WOW. Rhade you’re an absolute imbecile. Please educate yourself before further posting, little lad.

I’ve had this game since January and I put it off due to college. Now I’m on break and I keep putting it off to play other games. I’ll hopefully get around to it once I finish Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Before that I beat MGS1 and 2 for the first time (absolutely amazing games!) and finally 100% Final Fantasy VII.

Especially since Superstar Saga and Thousand Year Door have massive followings.

I’d rather buy the actual product and support it. :)

There’s really no reason to resort to petty insults, but this proves you’re not worth a more in depth response. Have a nice day.

Literally overthinking a goddam boardgame.

MUST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah but then you’ll just have people cry about “selling out” and the usual rubbish. But I agree with you.


I am a Bernie supporter who has chosen to move support to Jill Stein. This isn’t a protest vote by any means. I didn’t vote for Clinton in 2008 and I’m not going to do it now either. I don’t trust her nor like how flip floppity she is. But I know you can’t say that without a shitstorm raining down on you even though

Fight the power, brother! But I don’t think his mention of the fanservice is bad. As others mentioned some are superbly bothered by brief moments of perversion. I only get bothered by fanservice when it’s thrown in my face all the time. But if it’s brief and only now and then I can deal with it. But yeah. Relax a

That was great

I don’t expect to be disappointed, but I’m admittedly an FF fanboy and I like Kingdom Hearts which XV seems to borrow ideas from.

You don’t necessarily have to love something to devote time to it. That’s sort of flawed logic IMO. I mean I’m not really agreeing with IMMT here either. For some people it could be a launching point for something else. Who knows? But because of that unknown it’s hardly worth bringing up. But I just disagree with the

Obviously not. It’s a trend as old as time itself more than likely. Older people always think the younger generation’s culture is awful. People said this in the 50s. People said this in the 60s. People said this in the 70s. People said this in the 80s etc. etc. That’s why the phrase “back in my day” is such a

The only shitpost I see is yours.

If you say so, little lad!