
Actually it is the job of elected officials to do their job under their beliefs. Clearly these are things that got them elected in the first place. In a democracy some group will always have things pass that they don’t agree with. And if the majority disagrees they can protest. I’m not saying I agree with this because

Damn, I guess Shin Megami Tensei is the most racist game of all time.

Persona 4 again

“For a worrisome amount of time, Uncharted 4 feels like little more than a familiar, obligatory sequel, existing the way Mario Karts”

Normally I wouldn’t respond after my last post but I’ll bite. I was led back to this discussion because someone recently liked a comment I made here. This isn’t something I brooded over. But if you want to toss around infantile internet terms and attack me personally you’re absolutely right that you’re not worth my

So you resort to these personal attacks because you can’t answer the question. This proves to me that you’re not worth my time. Have a nice day.

Heh I just noticed you never responded here. I wonder why there are so many hit and run commenters.

And yet it’s “rehashed garbage” the makes the most money. Same with every single other medium in the world, basically.

The great part about remakes is even if they suck the original still exists.

The Japanese layout for cards is so much better than what we have.

If you don’t have the guts to elaborate on your posts you probably shouldn’t post. I was just curious as to what you’re referring to.


Like what?

Some people don’t get that.

If you say so, kid

Of course they aren’t. Kotaku and Gawker affiliates are the drive by media reporting to support their agenda while ignoring everything that doesn’t promote it.

I know. So was I! :D

Well, in my opinion there are many better than Ni No Kuni.