
I’ve never liked a single Star Ocean game I’ve played but this looks pretty good. I might consider picking this up when on release day. And geez we really are witnessing the renaissance of the JRPG, eh?

Your post is garbage, actually.

Damn, son, you got wrecked.

Hit and run commenter, eh?

So should we apply a similar train of thought to feminists due to the so-called “feminazis”?

The player factory

Should the meat industry be paid everytime someone shows their product being cooked on Youtube? For some people this is a complicated issue, but not for me. Video games aren’t the same as movies. You don’t pay for them to “watch” them. You pay for them to play them. Therefore when you’re watching the game be played on

Well Sega already apologized for the state of Sonic and indicated they wanted to do better so maybe we’ll finally get something good.

Oh no the women dancers are evil!!!

I guess they forgot Juan Pablo Montoya racing in NASCAR or Randy Moss owning his own racing team. NASCAR has mostly white guys just like basketball has mostly black guys. Nothing is wrong with either.

I actually kinda liked what I saw from Federation Force. I’m willing to give it a shot before condemning it.

As a white person, I find your post to be absolutely ridiculous. Vote for who you feel is the best candidate. I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter but you’re absolutely free to support whomever you wish. So I feel your entire post is kind of ignorant because it assumes white people will have contempt. A lot of people would

Maybe it’s the nostalgic in me, but I hope this doesn’t signify the end of E3. There are very few things (if any) that I look forward to more than E3 each year. Always been something of a holiday for me. Oh well. C’est la vie and all that.

Yeah now let’s see this happen with Dick Greyson.

I don’t remember asking you a goddam thing!

Yeah I can understand that. It’s made worse when you have ADHD and procrastination problems. I have no idea how I’ve done so well up until now but 20 CH would be GPA suicide.

I’m in college now and I cannot imagine getting getting a 3.2 GPA on 19 credit hours. It’s fun enough keeping a 3.7 while on 13-14 credit hours. Geez.

“I’m gonna write this article and pre-emptively make fun of the people who might comment!” Yeah. Passive aggressive comments at your readerbase is unprofessional.