
Ignoring the obvious fact that Jezebel is also known to be biased?

Sorry for the double post, but I figured I’d post this here. I went on GameFaqs and posted a poll regarding this topic on the Nonstop Gaming-Social board. Yes I know it’s not a huge sample size and may not be reflective of society as a whole, but I wanted to see where gamers stood on the issue. The link is at the end.

“i find it interesting that you don’t seem to care that you’ve been presented with evidence that a good number of people find referring to humans in that way rude, that knowing that it bothers many people would not influence you to stop doing it. do you like being rude to people, or do you just not care about being

Whether the allegations are true or not, I can’t believe they’d make her stick around with those kind of allegations. It’s honestly sickening.

The thing is I’ve gone my whole life using male and female almost exclusively and I’ve never had a weird glance or anything. In fact, in hindsight, I think I’ve actually used those same terms IN papers. Again I find it interesting that your post focuses more on “women” than “men.” and I think it’s because you know

It being “dehumanizing” is an opinion. And I have never felt dehumanized being referred to as such. And according to

So it’s mostly a subjective take on the matter and notes that it might not be grammatically correct. Gotcha. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions so it’s not worthwhile to try and debate the subjective aspects of the article. What I find interesting is the fact that there’s not one mention of the use of the term

While I don’t agree with the opinion given, what is wrong with the word “female”? I use female and male more than other terms.

They removed the content out of fear of backlash from SJW types. Whether or not it’s censorship isn’t my decision to make, but I do feel it says a lot when developers are afraid to share their vision with gamers. I’ll be frank, I’m not a huge fan of gratuitous sexualization myself, but I don’t think we should hold it

It’s 2016. You may call me Saladass.

Nostalgia...nostalgia never changes

This is without a doubt the shiitiest writer I’ve ever read. But that’s par for the course for you Gawker imbeciles. I guess they dredge up all the Huffington Post rejects and hope you can put together a decent article. But you can’t. Peyton Manning is a goddam legend while you’re essentially an internet troll given a

There are plenty of quality Japanese games coming out even today just like there were plenty of games like this back in the day.

I applaud you, fair internet stranger!

If he was concerned with churning out videos for more money his output would be a lot higher. Kindly STFU and go back to your basement.

BOF3 was a very special game. It’s not the best game in the genre and nowhere near the top of the list, but it has a unique charm and feel to it that just makes you love the game.


Okay, well, to be frank, you’re too stupid to continue talking to. Have a nice day.

I think what you’re doing here is dumb. Not everyone is going to articulate their opinions like a Pulitzer prize winner. And, quite frankly, I see nothing wrong with the above statement. And I still don’t think “how many games have you made?” is an adequate response. It’s a question you already know the answer to,

All I’m saying is you saying this is highly irrelevant as most people aren’t “experts.” This is common knowledge to most people and doesn’t need to be said. I don’t understand why you’re posting this. It’s like me saying water is wet. Of course an expert is going to be more “knowledgeable” but that doesn’t need to be