
I imagine most people who comment on things aren’t experienced in the craft. I see this argument pop up from time to time and it’s absolutely idiotic. I don’t need to be a rockstar to note that the average guitarist has nothing on someone like Hendrix.

Why would that be relevant?

A Japanese property beating a western property in Japan? BIG NEWS

No. Digital only.

Yeah but you get nice family time if it’s updating. I think it’s a better alternative to getting the console and then immediately rushing to some dark corner of the house to play it. But that’s just my humble opinion.

Because you touch yourself at night!

Having played every single Final Fantasy game and every single Persona game and being a fanboy of (VI, VII, and X) and Persona 4 I feel comfortable saying my opinion is an informed one. And I’ll pick Final Fantasy XV. Of course I must admit I’ve been a Final Fantasy fanboy since I was a child so FF does have a massive

“Everyone doesn’t have the same opinion. DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM FOR BEING DISAPPOINTED!”

I feel like I’m out of the loop because I’ve never heard of Expand before this article. Like not even in passing.

I don’t think games that came out within the past few years should even be considered. Much like history it takes some time to truly judge the impact that a particular release might have had. Undertale is a superb game. I enjoyed it a lot. But I don’t think it should be anywhere near where it is in the discussion for

Bring it on, punk!

It’s a free market. Games should cost whatever the company decides will sell. If they can sell it for 60 bucks and people buy it I see no reason for them not to. Most indie games aren’t 60 bucks because they wouldn’t likely sell anywhere near as well at that price point.

New Ken is kinda ugly. Just saiyan

The thing is people would still bitch even if they only did that. I can understand their reasoning of not wanting to do that, too.

People were always going to say they fucked up regardless of the end result.

The only thing is both sides have been threatened. This is not a black and white issue. At its core is two groups with just different opinions. That doesn’t mean either side is right or better than the other. This whole “my opponent is evil” psychology is part of the reason nothing ever gets solved.

Your post exemplifies problem. People only want to view one side poorly when in actuality it’s both sides being imbeciles. Please educate yourself before further posting.

I’m gonna go play Fallout 4 now.

*sigh* more of the censorship bullshit.