
I once walked from one side of skyrim to the other. There really is a deep joy to traveling across bethesdas beautiful landscapes. Of course I had that same sense of wonder in wind waker. Felt like magic was in every nook and cranny surrounded by a boundless ocean

It’s a sham, baby, yeah!

I bought Rocket League one night in a drunken stupor expecting to hate it or at least not get the hype surrounding it. But I was drunk and the game was 20 bucks, I had just gotten my PS4 and had few games, so I thought what the hell?

Are they different series?

That’s sports for you. It’s a very in-the-moment thing.

I’m glad I can look at this topic and then play my Destiny edition PS4!

Personally speaking I don’t see how NA’s is worse. It’s just different. I like them both.

“They won’t be remakes, as everyone had guessed/hoped”

Have you ever heard of context clues?

Bravo! Well said! Great job on shooting down an idiot!

Are you not reading my posts or something? I’m kind of tired of repeating myself.

Well I did make the point that I feel painkiller addiction is different. But if you’re one of those people who just start heroin, cocaine, PCP, meth, etc. just for the fuck of it than I have no sympathy. If someone develops a painkiller addiction due to having to take it, then I view that different until they decide

Both of my parents are recovering alcoholics. My uncle was addicted to painkillers before getting thrown in prison. My mother is also addicted to these speed pills and smokes marijuana on a constant basis. I know what addiction is. I’ve seen what this shit can do to people (both legal and illegal substance abuse) and

No, you’re taking my comment way out of context and I’m sure that you know this. My statement was that it was his fault he turned to heroin rather than seeking other more better options. I don’t want to be hooked on heroin. Guess what I don’t do?

If he developed a painkiller addiction he should have sought help rather

He still made the decision to move to heroin. Again I’m not arguing for the laws as much as I’m arguing for equal application of said laws regardless of wealth or popularity

Laws exist for a reason. Sure it’s your body but your body resides in a domain that has numerous bodies. Laws don’t favor the individual but the.majority. And I’m sure lots of people take drugs and don’t do anything wrong but it’s the ones that do that make it a problem.

But you can’t get addicted to a substance you don’t use. If you decide to use cocaine you know going in what the risks are. I mean I would give prescription drug addiction more leniency because there are people who get hooked on painkillers after some bad accident. But cocaine? I view that very differently

My post was on application not the law itself. But just to play devil’s advocate why should we pity people who knowingly abuse dangerous substances that are against the law? This isn’t the 80s. People know that shit is bad now and also knowingly break the law. Treatment should certainly be.an.option but I have no pity

That’s not what I meant. I was meaning more about how laws here are harsher for people who aren’t celebrities. Especially drug laws.

That’s one thing I appreciate about Japanese culture. They don’t take it easy on you just because you’re a celebrity. America’s “justice system” could learn a lot from Japan.