
Do you have more information regarding this? Maybe a link or something? I’ve never heard anything like this!

Fair enough

I have a lazy eye and can’t see 3D. Sometimes life isn’t fair, I guess.

This...doesn’t make sense at all. Like from a historical standpoint or anything. It’s just entirely nonsensical.

I wish I could give this more than one star. Aside from that, all I can do is read in awe.

Oh I’ll agree. I enjoy comics more than manga but I do greatly enjoy manga as well. One thing I prefer about manga is the variation at the top of the industry. Comics are more singular in comparison. And yeah I know shounen usually tops manga (like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece) but there does seem to be more variety.

Happens in manga as well.

No, giving a troll what it wants is trying to reason with it logically or getting angry. I have done neither aside from telling it to shut up and telling other people it’s a troll.

It’s his gimmick. He always comes into esports topics spouting this rubbish.

Shut the fuck up.


Just got the first trade a couple of days ago but been too bogged down to read it! Hopefully I like it, too. :D

But I’m already collect We Stand On Guard, Plutona, Paper Girls, Switch, Axcend, Black Science, Rat Queens, Sons Of The Devil, and Zodiac Starforce!

Maybe develop a marketable skill

Are they really out of order if that was the order they were intended to be put in? You’re confusing chronological order with sequential order.

“even if you hate America, like many humans on planet Earth.”

Hardcore setup just to play some indie games and never spend more than 15 on a game!

“We don’t care but we went through the trouble of having the game localized and printed in other regions just to say we don’t care.”

I’ve heard this game is a hot mess. Well, a rumor, anyway

Tell us your professional analysis, then