
Yeah because this is realistic. Anyway this is the dumbest feud ever. She got jilted because he didn’t know who she was (or at least claimed it) so she’s acted like a goddam kid ever since. She needs to grow up and move the fuck on. And sure Floyd is responding. But he’s only responding to her infantile jabs.

Better to be delayed than rushed.

Not bad. I’m not a fan of the Thwomp placement but it was a pretty fun level. Kept the adrenaline going the whole way through. Thought I was gonna die like 3 times >>

I actually agree with you. But my idea with the level was to sort of make the difficulty increase as you went along and it just sort of ended up lengthy. I think if there was a checkpoint it wouldn’t be so bad on lengthier levels.

Yeah I kinda feared it might be a wee bit too long with no check point. The worst part is I know exactly where I’d put a check point, too. The game is great but it is definitely missing some critical pieces.

Maybe someone could tell me what they think of this: 4DD7-0000-0032-27E5

And people wonder why Gawker media as a whole is a fucking joke.


Like I care.

Hm, well, in my manual it says Aeris and it also says Aeris as the default name, so I’m good with that. You call her whatever you want, boyo.

Saying Aerith makes me feel like I’ve developed a lisp.

You got OWNED.

People always exaggerate the constant promotions that GameStop does. I go there all the time with absolutely no problem. They usually tell you these things because most people don’t obsess over video game boards and related websites. Still, to save you future trouble, all you have to say is, “I am here for Item X and

That’s not Call of Duty.

If anything you’re perpetuating the problem with it by creating an issue where there isn’t one. Language evolves. Meanings evolve. Deal with it. And that’s all I have to say regarding this issue.

I’m assuming the woman in Saiyan armor is Goku’s mom since Pan never died, but have they actually shown her before at all?

Sport is the wrong word. Try “esport.” Wait, I’ll do it for you:

People love to throw NASCAR under the bus but usually these are ignorant people who have no idea how demanding it is to go at those high speeds and those high temperatures for hours. It is a physically demanding sport. Please educate yourself before further posting.

Now playing

I’ll join the parade of people selecting different favorites:

WOW has enjoyed a great run, but everything dies eventually. Not saying it’s in danger of dying, but I’m sort of surprised it has lasted this long.