
I remember watching this live with my uncles. One of the coolest things I have ever seen.

There's always one.

Well I think of it like the K-On movie and how surreal it was in sub. I do understand where you're coming from, though. I just thought that was a little odd.

The only problem I have is I thought Mikasa was like the only Asian or something?

Coulda fooled me.

Of course people are. I imagine people who have spent years and years following it don't want to just give it up. And I imagine some people still really enjoy it. *ruffles hair* You'll understand when you're older, laddie.

People do terrible things under many names, that doesn't mean the entire group should be represented by the minority.

And I wouldn't disagree that there are serious issues that need to be discussed about when discussing equality. But there are varying degrees of importance. And this topic is one of those things I find trivial. That is just my opinion. I think there are far more important issues for feminists to concern themselves

This completely misses the point of everything I was saying. I'm not afraid of "strong, independent, opinionated women working in and writing about games" at all. I think it's great to diversify the voices in gaming. But that wasn't what my post was about.

It's funny. Of course the media wants GamerGate to die considering it's supposed to be against the present state of affairs in journalism. But there's one thing I've found funny. People say if you support GameGate then you automatically support misogyny and things like that. You point out the people that use Feminism

Of course they didn't. They didn't have internet anonymity to hide behind.

Grimdark fantasy is overplayed, and this is meant to appeal to a broader audience (namely kids) so it makes sense that they'd go in this direction.

The moment she forever became Potato Girl

I really don't understand the anger.

It's interesting that that's what you would choose to discuss. No, I obviously meant masturbating while showering. I didn't realize it was that difficult to figure out that that is what I was talking about.

There's an assumption being made here. A very large assumption.

Party time!

It's a shame Revo isn't coming back for the sequel.

So my question is if this new 3DS is faster will it mean an upgrade is a must? Or will I still be able to play all the games on my original 3DS?

Thank you. I'm so happy you're here to point out fallacies in what I've said. Could you possibly point me to where I said men are under-represented in video games so that I may amend that awful error?