For every game that has gratuitous violence, there are many that do not. The only point I'm making is it's not my place to tell someone what to or not to do with their game because my money speaks louder than my words ever could.
For every game that has gratuitous violence, there are many that do not. The only point I'm making is it's not my place to tell someone what to or not to do with their game because my money speaks louder than my words ever could.
My opinion is that double-standards of any kind are worthless and ultimately damaging. I am also a white male, but I don't necessarily see myself getting any advantages due to that fact. But I'm also not being assailed by police officers due to my race. I get that these double standards exist and it pisses me off. But…
Do you think the ratio of what you mentioned has anything to do with the ratio of male to female gamers? Or, more specifically, would it be possible that the demand for such things sells? Sex sells. It's not exclusive to video games. It's why romance novels have characters with model-like looks. Personally, I'm not a…
The funny thing is I came here to make just this point. The sort of things mentioned in the above article are hardly exclusionary to female characters. Men get murdered, mutilated, sexualized ect. and nobody bats a damn eyelash. Do the same for female characters and people get angry.
Wow, I'm surprised K-On is so high on that list. I loved it, but still. Very surprising.
Gosh I hate the word "fandom"
Yeah, you'll have to pardon folks for not knowing every reference in the world.
The difference is that's not illegal and won't get you into a situation like this.
Um....Pokemon games are NOT open world. Especially not the core series. You have a very specific path that allows for very little deviation. The only time it really opens up is after you've beaten the game.
You seem a bit caught up in "open world" type deals.
It seems like the more Slowpoke evolves, the more it looks like it's getting eaten.
To be fair, applying the term "hipster" with something like this was pretty stupid to begin with.
Cry harder
Cry harder.
You're on a video game website and you're talking about manchildren. O...kay.
Because of a small minority? What about Comic Con where there were all kinds of harassment going on? Are you going to hate comic fans, movie fans, game fans? Of course you're not. You just want a reason to justify your hatred.
So, let's go out on a limb here. You've offered one example out of millions of fans. Suddenly, the minority represents the majority. People love to bandy about arguments like this when it suits their case. But let's see. How many cases have there been where a murderer claimed he got inspiration from a video game to do…
Wow, you got served. Guess that backfired!
Social Internet Warrior strikes again!