
Depth? Opinion. Innovation? Sure. It's easy to have innovation when you're still figuring things out. The industry was still fairly young back then. So obviously you're going to have a ton of ideas to throw out there. Things are obviously more established but that doesn't mean innovative games aren't released even

The second paragraph is an opinion.

Oh I know. I had just never encountered one for V before.

He was talking about the systems, and I was responding in kind to say that the 3DS has actually already sold a lot.

30 million people own a 3DS. Nice try.

But there are still a lot of good JRPGs on PS2. Well, from Square-Enix and Atlus anyway. And Final Fantasy X is my favorite Final Fantasy.

Those 10 dollar games on PSN are also ports. You figure they probably made quite a few changes judging from that screenshot.

I never knew such hardcore fans existed for V.

I used to watch quite a bit of anime when I was younger. But now I primarily find myself watching stuff like Adventure Time, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and other American cartoons.

Then don't play games with them in them. Some people like them. Some people don't. At the end of the day, everyone wins.

And your point is? You could apply similar logic to most games these days.

This makes sense.

It also taught you that white is cooler than green! BAM! jk


Is it really popular opinion or vocal minority? Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if Luigi has become more popular with some people.

Why? Just out of curiosity. Is it to go against popular opinion or do you have more reasons behind it?


I say have a nice day to everyone. Ever heard of Mick Foley? That's why. People like to make bold statements and then when they get called out on it say. "Nah man, I was just kidding. I didn't mean it."

More people care about what Miyamoto has to say than you and your worthless comments. Have a nice day.

Actually, a previous Kotaku article said these next gen consoles are already weaker than top of the line PCs. Which means it's only a matter of time before the consoles are hopelessly outmatched by PC.