
Well, you called it. MLB 2k13 did in fact get the big NO.


And that is your opinion. While I think it's great that you have one, I must disagree.

If you have a problem with "addictive" games, common sense says you avoid them. Personally, I like games where I don't want to put it down because that happens so rarely. With me having ADHD, it's hard for me to sit there for extended periods of time and play games. And coupled with my preferred genre (RPGs) that can

If it's not obvious to you what he means in his post, you deserve to be left in the dark. Have a nice day though! :)

*sits in silence*

I really hope this marriage works out. Imagine selling all of that stuff for the wedding and it ending in divorce. Obviously you can't predict the future and you'd like to think that wouldn't happen, but it can. And it does. Divorce rates are outrageous. And what's done is done. So I wish them all the best.

It's okay if you don't like folks who take this to the extreme. I can agree with that. It's like the people that take WoW or Farmville to the extreme and forget to go about their lives. But what is creepy about a normal male watching a show like this?


Since when have facts mattered to sensationalism?

"Are lax parents who give their kids their iTunes passwords to blame? I don't think so. "

Well, that's cool. Also, if you want to discuss games coming out in a week in NA, the Vita only has MLB 13: The Show coming out on the 5th. So I'm not sure that's something to write home about. The 3DS has Castlevania: Lords of Shadows.

Excluding ports (FFX is a personal favorite), SMT4 is likely going to be better than all of those games. Of course this is my opinion. It's not factual. And people seem to be forgetting that Pokemon X/Y is being released in October. And whether you want to admit it or not, that is a higher profile release than ANY RPG

At first I thought about saying Persona 4, Wind Waker or Skyrim. I put more hours into Persona 4 in a single playthrough than any other game ever (at 70 hours). Final Fantasy VII comes the closest with around 60ish. And as for Skyrim, I reached 50 hours faster in that game than any other game I've ever played. It was

Right, I can imagine the executives talking now:

This wouldn't be mainline anyway. Also, why fix what isn't broken? As long as Pokemon sells the way it does, why should they really risk anything with the established formula? It works.

It happens. No worries. Still, awesome news! Now I can have the complete set. :D

I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, so I'd rather not see them exit the home console business. But if they can't keep up in that market, they can always focus on handhelds, and area they've always dominated.

Yeah, let's have them play Duke Nukem Forever!

Final Fantasy VII was my first RPG. I remember countless days of grinding in the submarine with my brother there as well. Great times. I actually just recently beat this on my PSP and FINALLY got Bahamut Zero. The first time I beat this game though I was in middle school. Time flies.