
I prefer consoles because I'm a Nintendo guy. But a lot of what people complain about PC is just BS. And I have come to realize that recently. PC is just as good as console gaming, if not better.

1/3. Only if you want to. I could get a PC now and not have to worry about upgrading for a decent amount of time. And even still, upgrading a PC is cheaper than buying a totally new console every 6 years.

So what is your take on the rest?

Let me begin by saying that I vastly prefer playing games on consoles. But only because I like so many first party exclusives and the JRPG genre (and most of the ones I like never see the light of day on PC). But allow me to counter your points in a respectful manner.

And what perspective do you think the person you responded to was thinking in? A Korean's?


That is ridiculous and exaggerated, but that is the point of his post. Look at some of the outrageous tweets copied to this article:

Zelda games tend to have decent plots. Mario is a platformer. Its strong suit is platforming. It doesn't have to tell a grand story to be great. But I'd say Galaxy had quite a fantastic story. But plot does not make a game. Especially not a platformer.

So, should we make sure every race is represented?

The souls of a thousand fanboys screaming in unison.

The souls of a thousand Cherubs screamining in unison.

Even if they're excluded I'd still take Ps1/Ps2 over SNES for JRPGs alone. In terms of all games, PS2 then SNES. I grew up with the SNES and Nintendo has always been my favorite company, but the PS2 is hands down my favorite console overall.

I'm well aware of this. That is why I specified: in hindsight. Learn to read. And you're wrong. 1-4 were orignally on NES. Persona 1-4 were on PS1/PS2. Final Fantasy 7-12 were on PS1/PS2. Dragon Quest 7 and 8 were originally on PS1/PS2. Kingdom Hearts 1/2 were originally on PS1/PS2. Breath of Fire 3/4 were originally

I disagree with this greatly. Ps1/PS2 were the golden era of JRPGs. Especially in terms of public awareness. Especially if you take in critical reception and overall sales. But at the end of the day, I guess it's an opinion.

I'm going to disagree with this. While it may "feel" sparse, there are a lot of big name games (third party included) coming to the 3DS. The Vita can't even say that. And the supposedly big name games that have been released for Vita have mostly been condemned.

Why are they crap? Truth betold the only one I've played in any depth was the first one, but I thought it was brilliant

It did what it needed to do. It gave Nintendo an enormous boost after the N64/GCN life cycles. Nintendo dominated the generation. Made a buttload on software sales. And the DS series has completely destroyed the PSP series (unfortunately, I had high hopes for the Vita).

Who says they won't in the future?


I didn't know fan translations were illegal.