
Does the price include real cats I can drink?

Let me explain who this works to you uneducated masses here. She’s the WITCH and he’s the BITCH. LOL!!! Take it from a REAL WITCH who can fuck you up BITCH.

Yum, I’d tongue that on a teacup.

LOL when I was in highschool I went into the GIRLS room all the time cuz they all KNEW I was cra cra and no one cared! Seriously the school nurse had my back. Didn’t mean I wasn’t into the high school powerpussy(TM) but never in the bathroom stalls (not TOO MUCH LOL)!!!

Ya know what? The K clan is has and always will be PURE (D). Cut ‘em a break!!! We either support fellow brothers and sisters on the LEFT or we’re no better than the OTHER SIDE!!!

A MAN did it. Does it matter which man?

WOW! Nice white privilege on that cover photo Jezebel! Um, check your white shit maybe?

Handsome face on that one.

Great work! Great arousing list, good for a cozy winter night’s read and wank.

We really do at this point in history need two sets of laws, one for whites and one for everyone else. Nothing changes for sick, degenerate, serial killing, raping, corupt, white collar, wife beating, getting away with it white people laws.

I volunteer to gnaw Trump’s testickles until severed. I’d enjoy that.

It’s time?

As a white person: SORRY AGAIN!

I used to jerk to this show when it was on. Good times. Good times.