
My brother was all Good RIddance APE on FB and I’m all GIRLLLLLL!!! I’ll reach through that screen and choke a bitch. She’s too butch for me but Barry YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! <3

She freeky mind kontrol monkey me LIKEY!

White bitch?

Good divert DIRECTLY to TRANS POC health funding!!!

LOL I though LARPing was FELCHING in reverse!!!

Yep, she was also the one who had the initial Mar-a-Lago ties from TRUMP to Epstein, the guy who RAPED Trump’s daughter.

LOL right that’s why NO SARC TAG /s!!!!!! GUILTY!!!!! AF!!!!!

WTF? Peeps calling on #BLM to denounce. I CALL ON #BML to RESIST! How can MINOR POC CHILDREN commit HATE CRIMES? White people, not interested in your “opinions” here: sit down, shut up, and LISTEN.

LOL you literally said “GOOD JOB ALT RIGHT”. Pretty sneaky! **COUGH shill COUGH**

Thank you for supporting the People who say that n!ggers are illiterate sub-human animals with no impulse-control and an average IQ of 89.

OMG My FB is BLOWING UP with #HotardN!gg@ insults at this poor kids. Lemon said it: no parental training!!!!

The important lesson to this horrible story of hate crime kidnapping and torture is that right wing internet commenters BETTTER LEARN TO BE PATIENT, YOU DUMMIES (racists too).

BLM has EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to RETALIATE. Check your privilege racist boy! Um hello??? HISTORY IS CALLING.

Pathetic. As Symone Sanders points out NOT RACIST NOT POLITICALLY MOTIVATED AND NOT A HATE CRIME!!! Grow the fuck up people and calm down. LOL, black kids committing a “hate crime”!!! Even Don LEMON sez it’s not hate, it’s parents. TRUTH. These kids need our love and redemption and A SECOND CHANCE. TOTALLY FUCKING


LOL I’m SHOCKED that TRUMP’S AMERICA has DIRECTLY LEAD TO THIS BS!!!! Seriously, keep supporting white nationalists and this is what happens!!! Anyway kids will be kids.

Exactly! That’s why Indiana is CLOSE SECOND to Chicago WRT gun murders. SMDH.

LOL he’s upset about a “Men’s Retreat” where everyone compares dick size and a couple of latents get blown behind the trees. Reminds me of my Boy Scouts days LOL!!!


I’m high AF and this is gay. Not good gay. I’m a gay witch so I know what ima say.