
@KryptonZero: Difference is facts and opinions. I wouldnt need to form opinions about ponies if all I needed was to know that they are shorter than regular horses. On my previous point, hurtin' is the Mother of all learnin', I say. Or more classly, necessity is the Mother of invention.

@gebinsk: That's what they said about Afghanistan...

@Mondoz: I wonder how many got their peanuts roasted in space...

@GreasyPig: Yeah. That was to complete the Max Headroom effect.

@air2ground: I bet the target demographic is kinda "small."

@jedibugs: Wait a minute. I thought Vulcans only exisited in Star Trek. How the hell did we get rubber covered in them?

@KryptonZero: I think the main phrase here is "... something that they don't find very important." It's like you being put down because you didn't know about ponies and 19th century vampire stories.

@tomsomething: You are winner! Thank you for playing "Devil's Advocate!"

@quillaja: I wish women had that feature.

@espinha: The only thing that saves that setup is that the faucets have ninja stars for knobs.

@PierceTheVin: Yeah, of course but only as a flavor for shaved ice (raspas) and as a topping for fuit. Chamoy on Pineapple or Apple is awesome.

@Tony Kaye: Oh sorry. I didn't know you were into horses THAT way.

@PierceTheVin: The hominy. How could I forget about the hominy. Excuse me while I shoot myself.

@gstatty: Indo-Mexican fusion cuisine sounds like an awesome idea. Nobody steal that!!!!

@PierceTheVin: I like Menudo how my mom makes it , of course. Preboil the stomach, add chile rojo, clavo (cummin?), oregano, and salt. Simple and amazingly tasty. You do the whole hole in the ground thing?

@ianoo: And we all know how that worked out.