
A decent script and good direction?

Ah yes bans. The art of giving criminals exclusive rights.

You forgot that The Hound survived his ordeal and discovered his compassionate side. They are... Three Men and a Baby

I hope there aren't any bets, or stakes, or skin in that game.

Confession: I’m a huge sci-fi nerd and read lots of books but I haven’t read Neuromancer.

Hell yeah, it’s worth it. Especially if you can get a used GOTY copy. Most places I’ve seen it have it for around or under $20. This is one of those games I wish I could play again for the first time.

I haven’t played any of the Fallout games, but thinking of picking up a used copy of Fallout 3. Is it worth it?

I want that guy to play at my wedding.

No concept art for the best character in the movie?! ;)

My vote for best quest goes to Tranquility Lane. By the time the player reaches this quest, she’s seen a lot of weird stuff in the Wasteland, but this is where it just goes off the rails. Entering a viral reality pod, you find yourself in a pristine, sepia-toned suburb with a giddy, catchy soundtrack. After having

You know, all it needs is Selvig looking up old Norse lore books and telling Thor (and the audience) that there’s a well that connects all the realms together blah blah blah. It would’ve taken only a minute or two to set up that scene.

All men who call Daenerys “Khaleesi” like that’s her name must die.

I read that last one in Kevin Conroys voice haha but really would the joker sit still long enough to get a tattoo?

Plot twist: Gwen is actually the new Thor

Yes it may have ruined the twist, but I can comfortably say that I have been convinced to see this film in the cinema, which is no mean feat considering how many blockbusters are coming out this summer.

What interests me about this whole article is that your use of "Trolling" seems to fall more along the lines of "Pranking", albeit with a negative consequence for those on the receiving end of the Prankster's Gambit.