
maybe rian (sp?) will do it better.

they spent half the movie explaining how powerful chewie’s bowcaster is.

no idea then. novice? maybe they’ll get better moves after training

she fought like it was her staff. which she was was shown to be competent with

days late i know.

re: halo review, released the day of?

many a standoff was fought over the redeemer room

that’s skepticism at the capabilities of GPR right?

locks keeping the honest, honest. sure a ban will only stop someone with casual interest... those are the ones to worry about, the determined will do it anyway.

...that time Subway’s credit card reader was down.

it hasn’t been dropping too hard since release...

Second Variety.

that’s fair. like a seatbelt not worn.

then in the real world i probably know you.

so much for the optics discussion. :(

[Edited - sure i’ll bite. explain how the mirrors are small.]

as my argument was dismissed elsewhere as mansplaining. the “transparent screen” is a heck of a lot harder than it sounds.

mirrors wont work either. that just makes the device huge. the point is an hmd for a Soldier which needs to be small and light. youre either describing a periscope or a telescope arrangement.

zeroize. standard on every piece of army kit.

ah i see the confusion. it’s not 2”x2” - total form factor may reach that (which is ridiculous), but the display is not that size. depending on the manufacturer, it’s up to an inch on the diagonal.