I have a purple car too.
Then I log off of GTA Online and just live my life.
I have a purple car too.
Then I log off of GTA Online and just live my life.
You are asking the wrong question. It should be “if I could choose any color and style of vehicle I want for what is essentially pocket change, would I chose a purple Thanos Land Rover?”
Sorry about your lil’ thing
I mean it makes sense. If Thanos snapped his finger Dwight Howard would either be dead, or there would suddenly be only 220 better basketball players in the NBA. That’s win/win.
He got three because Shaq had two.
There should be some sort of a limit on the number of NBA players who can simultaneously co-opt Superman as their alter ego/muse/inspiration.
Along with the deeply disturbing Joker collage.
🎶you’re looking at the man, in the mirror,
I myself have a life size replica of Michaelangelo’s David but with my head.I’d tell you how many paintings I have or me of as Superman but I don’t want to brag.
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don’t like what I see...
In the four minute video, we’re shown three different paintings of Dwight Howard as Superman.
It’s funny, but I challenge each and every one of you to go look in the mirror, ask yourself “if I could have a Thanos Land Rover without consequence for what to me is essentially pocket change, would I?” and then answer yourself truthfully.
Next stop: Community indoor tennis center.
Odd you speak of throwing a wrench, because my first thought looking at the header picture was ‘This guy may have a future in Dodgeball’.
He looks like a guy who could meander outside the pocket
He's an indie wrestler too? This guy does everything!
This is really throwing a monkey wrench in Gardner Minshew's destiny of washing out of the NFL after half a season and becoming a phys ed teacher who hangs out with the girls' soccer team a little too much.
Gardner Minshew looks like a guy who struts, or at least saunters.
Well, at least now I know the answer to “Who’s the most Jacksonvillian player ever to Jacksonville?”. For now it’s this guy, because I’ve already forgotten his name as I write this comment.