Ragin Malaysian

"Wait a second, is that Jimmy Fallon driving a jeep? And now he's giving updates for the Battle of the Bulge? What is happening!?!?!"

Yup, that was the Okinawa episode. Talk about hell on Earth.

Yeah, I think both shows are great at what they set out to do, which is nominally the same thing (dramatizing historical events), however they explore different aspects of the wartime experience. It's almost like picking your favorite child, or Ben & Jerry's flavor.

Agreed on the count of The Pacific being more about the costs of war. I think it was on Veteran's Day that HBO ran a marathon of it, and not having really seen it since it's release a couple years ago, I decided to watch the whole thing. Bad idea. It was absolutely brutal.

A couple weeks ago, I'd left NBC Nightly News on in the background and when Brian Williams announced Guarnere had passed, I stopped what I was doing. I listened to the short obit and thought about all the stuff that happened to him on the show. Mostly I remembered what a tough bastard he was. RIP indeed.

Definitely a series highlight, made even better by a conversation between that character and Wahlberg at episode's end.

The lobotomy scene in the last episode and Chilton being disemboweled in Season one top my list of most unsettling sequences in Hannibal.

Pretty sure Oleg is really tall. He towers over everyone at the rezidentura. He should really try his hand at basketball.

It is a dense show, and for the most part I do try to go with the flow and let things unfold naturally. I occasionally find myself rewinding (I watch on dvr) during heavy exposition scenes, but that tends to bog things down and take forever. So basically you're gonna have to rewatch episodes a couple times.

Unfortunately, this was probably his best case scenario. The worst case being a bullet to the head.

The KGB doesn't do apologies.

I think you mean Judd Hirsch.

Next episode, this new Oleg character will start twirling around a Colt Single Action Army to better understand American culture.

It was pretty badass when Philip said "The KGB is everywhere" followed by some hand to hand fighting. Then he shoots a kid. So… mixed emotions right there.

Black Hawk Down is also a good place to play "Find the British character actor (and Jamie Lannister)."

I've seen five episodes of HoC, and it's pretty good. Though, I think it would suffer if it was released traditionally once a week. The binge watching nature of it means you're just pushing forward without realizing how nonsensical some of the plots are.

I don't even remember him firing. I do remember him taking a firing position just in time to see Tubbs trip a claymore, or maybe it was a Bouncing Betty.

Yeah, it was, though it's been a few years and it doesn't seem to be a farm any more. I also don't remember those power lines being so close.

Yeah, he probably got too obsessed to work as a cop and blew up at Martin to drive even him away. Though 8 years is a long time to be off the reservation.

I'm guessing it will be more straight comedy, maybe some remote segments, rather than news discussion like Maher's show. Though I can't find if it's a half hour or hour-long show.