Ragin Malaysian

And of course, gorilla vs. helicopter.

What was great about the first film was that it was pretty much a prison film, sort of like a primate version of "A Prophet." Caesar comes in as a babe in the woods, but leaves as a crime lord.

Personally would've gone with Hurt Locker guy.

Probably the best film set during Desert Storm, but that's not saying much. Also has Spike Jonze's funniest comedic performance. I always crack up when they show the montage of their lives at home and while everyone has a shitty job, he's just blasting away at a couch with a shotgun.

I enjoyed the meta aspect of the Mayor being a caricature of Ebert more than the actual character.

Totally agree. His piece on Hawkeye got me to check it out and back into comics after almost 10 years away. It's now one of my most anticipated AV Club columns next to Random Roles.

Oh yeah, just realized this wasn't on the list. Well it's still early goings, maybe next year.

**** SPOILERS ****

True, this Hawkeye isn't really about building plot momentum to an obligatory showdown, but is more about the collateral damage certain decisions can have on a superhero's life. The emotional fallout is real and not simply the manipulation of the writer.

Daredevil, Superior Foes, Hawkeye… yep that's pretty much the entirety of my Marvel intake, not including trades. These street level stories are great because they're about people with real emotions who just happen to have special abilities and/or a costume fetish. More of this over half-baked "epic" events anyday.

The Elliott Gould/ The Long Goodbye cameo was worth the price of admission alone.

I remember sucking at X-Wing, but weirdly being really good at TIE Fighter. I guess I just took to the Empire more.

I'm kind of mentally salivating at the possible excellence of the DICE produced Star Wars multiplayer shooter.

I'm pretty sure I read something that confirmed you were going to play Fett. The character model in the game demo they showed a few E3s ago was just a placeholder.

It's too bad space simulators are dead, or at least are too niche for EA to invest big bucks in, because those X-Wing/ TIE Fighter games were the best. I just remember how proud I was when I got promoted to the rank of Captain in the Imperial Navy or when I got made into the Emperor's Hand. Good times.

I was personally a big fan of the Assault Gunboat, which if I remember correctly was the only non-TIE vessel we could use. Concussion missiles were the best.

Yeah, I've never bought a console at launch; I only got my PS3 a year a half after release when there were actual games and teething issues had been mostly resolved. Pretty much waiting on MGS5/ Uncharted before I take the jump.

Good review, just think you might have been overstating the UI issues of the last generation. I only have a PS3 so I can't speak to the issues on the 360, but I didn't find the XMB all that intrusive. The new interface does sound better with everything appearing on on a single screen and being altogether more

I fall for it too because he sounds so earnest whenever he's introducing the clip.

I think I ordered it from a Chinese place once.