
I'd prefer a wifi one that I could port forward so I could turn on my computer with it instead of using Wake On Lan

K-On was a terrible anime, I thought it would be a cool series about music but it turned out to be some girly tea party that never ended.

I didn't read the article, but I saw the unicorn. Are we talking about My Little Pony yet?

The bridge of the Enterprise didn't have one of those intercoms.

I was actually hoping this would be real because it seems like an excellent medium for training in photoshop. If Adobe had a web version they could roll out a complete education series online for it.

It isn't the same as putting it in your basket, it's the same as shoving it in your face all over the store while you're there. It's annoying, but it's not antitrust.

So if I walk into a drug store and they have their own brand of products marketed all over the store, and they have those products readily available on the endcaps of the aisles, and a name brand competing product is located only on one shelf, that is not considered suppressing the other brand? But Google doing the

How is this any different than going into CVS and having them put up giant ass posters about CVS brand shampoo instead of name-brand stuff?

The same could be said about any filtering, so if we're gonna implement filtering at all then let me choose what to filter.

Anyone who thinks the commentators on Kotaku are "the worst" has clearly never looked at the comments on Youtube...

I'm not saying that, but of the various types of articles I see on Kotaku those are the ones that I am least interested in. I'm not a woman, and the articles are always lengthy and preach the same thing over and over, so I'll pass on them.

Just give me an option to filter out the womens' rights articles and I'm good

Speaking of sexism in gaming, check out this other article posted by Luke Plunett a few hours later: [kotaku.com]

I only read one random sentence of this article because it's an overdone bullshit excuse to rant on Kotaku, and I have to say I DO find it a bit dubious that the most powerful unit in a strategy game is a sword wielding nun....

Normally I'd jump on the privacy issue but this time I see no problem with it. Google+ has been much more centered around circling people I don't know personally, as opposed to Facebook where that sort of thing is considered stalkerish these days. As for privacy settings, you should already keep track of how your

The particular group of Foxconn workers were associated with the Xbox 360 production line, enough so that the production of Xboxes was halted at the factory over it. The article says all that, or did you not read it?

What are you talking about? The headline isn't misleading at all, it says people threatened mass suicide at a 360 plant, which is exactly what happened.

How the hell did 300 people all agree to kill themselves together? I wish Congress was that organized...

As I recall, during the fiasco last year with the Foxconn employees killing themselves they made the entire company sign waivers that forfeited any damages from suicides.

To be honest, it looks like he's using the same techniques Bob Ross does. He's just doing it really fast and on a smaller scale with fingers instead of brushes. I personally still prefer Bob Ross's soothing voice.