First of all, doing nothing at all isn't a lazy solution. It's not a solution at all.
First of all, doing nothing at all isn't a lazy solution. It's not a solution at all.
When I was a kid I never liked adults that punished all the kids when a few misbehaved. I've never like that solution to the problem. It's lazy. You are one of those adults. Your intentions may be good and your heart may be in the right place, but it's a lazy solution. "Let's just punish everybody. That way we…
I don't follow. If an underground movement is so secretive that the government can't even find them, then how are other internet users going to freely attack them? The only people that are typically attacked by these kinds of assholes are public figures who freely tell the world their real name. Anonymity works…
You think the people who think this way are neanderthals who aren't smart enough to hate in secret and tell people what they want to hear in person, and that's your problem. For all you know, one of your students could secretly think this way, but hide it in class for fear of being chastised for the way they think. …
Anonymity is a double edged sword. People use it to be assholes, but people in oppressed nations also use it to voice their opinions because they'd be persecuted if they voiced their opinions publicly (like the underground democratic movement in China). Taking anonymity away from the internet is not a good solution…
To me it's no different that when you listen to Howard Stern or any other famous radio personality. In many of the commercials, the famous radio personality is the one who does the promotion. After all, if I'm paying big bucks to advertise my product on Howard Stern I want Howard himself to be the one telling his…
I think she meant if only Nintendo would make the GC controllers work with 3DS.
So, basically, the way I read their explanation: "Players are choosing to play the game their own way instead of the way we want them to, so we are changing things to force them to play our way."
Also, there are 2 different laws here and people are confusing the 2. There are laws regarding the right to use someone's likeness. Basically, you are profiting from their likeness and they feel that they deserve a cut of those profits. Then there are misrepresentation laws like slander and libel. Fictional works…
In the US we have a law that convicted fellons aren't allowed to profit from entertainment media that depicts their crimes. This is to prevent serial killers from getting wealthy from royalties. So, this means that entertainment companies are legally allowed to use the likeness of convicted fellons without…
Also, in the US we have a law that convicted fellons are not allowed to profit from entertainment media that depicts their crimes. That means that entertainment companies are legally allowed to use the likeness of convicted fellons for profit without permission and without sharing the profits with that convicted…
Watch the movie "The People Vs. Larry Flynt". It's a true story about how Larry Flynt, the owner of Hustler Magazine, published a cartoon where Rev. Jerry Falwell was depicted as having had sex with his mother in an outhouse. Falwell sued Flynt, it went all the way to the supreme court, and Falwell lost. They ruled…
Have you ever seen the movie "The People Vs. Larry Flynt"? It's a true story about how Larry Flynt, the owner of Hustler Magazine, publish an article that had a cartoon that depicted Rev. Jerry Falwell having sex with his own mother in an outhouse. Falwell sued Flynt, it went all the way to the supreme court, and…
I'm not sure that's true. If something is clearly a work a fiction (ie: there's no way someone could possibly confuse it with reality) then you are allowed to do pretty much anything. This is why SNL can make satirical skits involving presidents and celebrities without fear of being sued. Watch the movie "The…
No. Legal precedence does.
No, the real issue here is whether or not people can create works of fiction that include historical figures that are portrayed in a way that said historical figures don't like. If he were to win this case, does that mean SNL can no longer have skits with satirical presidents and celebrities? What about movies like…
I've never understood the "if you can't do better then don't criticize" argument. People are allowed to recognize that something isn't as great as it could be even if they lack the ability to make it greater themselves. For instance, most games have really shitty voice acting. I'm allowed to say that even though…
Well, they could have made a special version of the service for TGS that runs purely on the LAN. That way the device would have a direct connection to the server without ever touching the internet, but that would basically make the service look better than it really is because the end users will be streaming over the…
Welp, looks like the 3DS players are gonna have to learn to fight the old fashioned way (d-pad).
Yes, the NES and SNES games were made from pixel art, but the display technology back then blurred the pixel art so it didn't look pixelated. The display basically had a built in anti-aliasing effect by way of the fact that they were too shitty to show pixel perfect images. Color bleeding and scan lines were a big…