Please MARVEL ... Please let this have absolutely no current Phase scenes or future stingers. Let this be a 100% prequel so I can slip it into to my Infinity Saga collection and have it as part of my rewatches. I bet you.
Please MARVEL ... Please let this have absolutely no current Phase scenes or future stingers. Let this be a 100% prequel so I can slip it into to my Infinity Saga collection and have it as part of my rewatches. I bet you.
The Cal is Manhattan reveal is probably one of the stupidest twist I’ve seen. This show has been so stellar until this point though that I have pretty good faith that they’ll some how make this make sense in the next episode.
Im still in it but I am getting frustrated with the way the show has, in the last two episodes, made Angela seem like an ignorant boob. I do not like that. We started the season with her as our badass lead and she’s been marginalized in the last few episodes to the point where her actions, which were awesome before,…
My preorder arrived from The Pokemon Company today but the shipping box was just an empty box aside from the packing list. No game inside. I’ve tried to find a contact number for The Pokemon Company but they only have an email option which gave me a generated “we’ll get back to you” response. Has anybody else…
Story structure is what kills the fist Frozen imo. Frozen was the first Disney animated film I had seen in a few years and I thought it was good but sloppy and just thought maybe adult me was more keen on that stuff. Then I saw Moana and realized that Frozen was just not very well done.
I’ve already preorder Sword so I’m in 110%. Played every main Pokemon entry (except White&Black 2) so I’m going to love this no matter what. I don’t get the Dexit people. We can’t be on the 7 (give or take) new game and still be pooling from over 800 playable characters. It’s just an insane request. I will say this…
I have a friend who to this day says Uncharted 2 is his favorite game. Yes he plays it frequently, about every couple of years. I’ve never played any of them but I have seen the fan film with Nathan Fillion and I feel like if your not going to make that into a full length film than why even bother.
I’d you have even the slightest interest in this game, pick it up now for $25. Once the last two additions are releases the price will be $40. Also if you aren’t sure if you’ll enjoy it, yes. The answer is yes. Buy it.
I’m fairly certain that the streaming sub game is providing old crap for subscribers. The largest draw for Disney+ according to surveys is The Simpsons. Netflix most watch thing is The Office and Seinfeld is for HULU. Old crap is what gets you re-ups.
All of these “deep cut” films were among my childhood staples.
Do the people of the Watchmen universe know that the squid was a ruse? Also who is continuing to drop manufactured squids all over the place? It seems as if next week may delve into this.
I’ve seen the supposed leaked list of Pokémon that got axed from these new games and I’m calling bullshit. There is no way they drop bulbasaur and squirtle from the series. Plus all previous legendary Pokémon are out? There’s just no way.
It’s seems pretty clear that Veidt is being kept prisoner by Dr Manhattan. Probably on Mars. The home made space suit and later frozen clone servant seems to point to Veidt being trapped in a created paradise/prison in space.
Put Team Death Match as a standard mode Blizzard.
I’d love to know what people are watching on Prime. I check that service once every few days and never find anything worth watching. It’s a joke between me and my wife when we talk about what we should watch. “Let’s see if there’s anything on Prime. . . . Hahaha hahaha!”
I’m pretty sure that research and surveys show that The Simpsons is the number one draw for Disney+
I feel that the events and characters of the Watchmen comic will have to play a critical role in the story otherwise why have this be a continuation of that material and not its own story set in an alternate reality from our own?
Facebook ads paid for by politicians and corporations are NOT NEWS! The ad she ran was paid for by her campaign as was all political posts run during the last election. They are allowed to say what ever they want since they pay for the ad space on Facebook. If you see anything on Facebook that says “paid for by...”…
Wow. Well I guess we all better buckle in for 4 more years if the Trump squad.
I’d like to see a documentary on how for the past several years we’ve been creating imaginary problems that have manifested into actual threats. This whole Joker inspiring White rage was pulled out of thin air. Would the movie possibly have caused a shooting? Maybe, but you can be damn sure that just about anyone with…