
66GB isn’t much bigger than normal for a COD:MW update on the Xbox. There is usually  a 60 to 64 GB update for that game every other week. The people I play with and I constantly joke about how the updates cane be so large.

This gen is going to be way easier to upgrade. Xbox players just plug their external HD to the new Series X and your ready to go with all your current Games, controllers and connectors. PlayStation players just toss their PS4 and all its games and components into the dumpster and plug in their PS5.

This gen is going to be way easier to upgrade. Xbox players just plug their external HD to the new Series X and your

Holy shit! SMT Nocturne is one of my all time favorite PS games! I’m beyond excited.

Just don’t forget you need a Nintendo Online account to play this multiplayer. It does have a single player mode but it’s a small portion of the game.

Just don’t forget you need a Nintendo Online account to play this multiplayer. It does have a single player mode but

Anybody can claim to know somebody or be somebody in the industry. I see a lot of comments from Xbox and Sony fans posting their “knowledge” on which console’s specs are superior and as always the differences between the way the games look and play will be hair thin. The honest truth is that, to put it as simple as

I know several people currently in the industry and Devs are will have much, much more possibilities with the Series X than the PS5. The Series X specs are music to Developers ears while the PS5 is looking like the same old constraints.

I can personally confirm this entire story is bullshit. This Jason Schreier is a real piece of garbage for posting a made up story like this especially during this pandemic when there are real cases like this happening. I hope this Jason guy gets a swift kick where it hurts for making something like this up. 

The scaling is fucked. It’s infinitely easier with two or more players. The characters level up way too slow for the campaign. You have to play the trials to grind xp and even those are level restricted so you really have to just replay them over and over to slowly climb the level latter.   

In all honestly Covid-19 will be the beat boost Trump could have asked for if it all goes away before summer ends. If election time arrives and we’re still dealing with Covid-19 it will absolutely be his downfall, but that seems highly unlikely especially with China and Italy “recovering” (using that term very loosely

Thank god that it still uses AA batteries instead of a internal rechargeable. I skip using my PS4 9 times out of 10 because the controller is dead when I go to play. 

Or just buy an Xbox One X and be set for the entirety of the next console generation.

Or just buy an Xbox One X and be set for the entirety of the next console generation.

I know it may take years, but I’m not grabbing this until we have all the Episodes. I’m not diving into this to play the opening chapter and then have to wait for the rest.

The PS4 UI is terrible if you use the console for anything other than playing the disc you pop in the drive.

You have a very misguided world view if you think that an issue like this would be a half thought let along a topic of discussion in more than a small pile of countries.

Bea is absolutely tan. From her life style to the town she lives in the games. Also this is Japan. They don’t know or care about any this.

If this one doesn’t win, this contest is rigged.

I thought something was up when I got booted out of Pokémon Bank on my 3DS. I tried to relaunch it and it told me I needed an update.

I didn’t get the fighter pass with the idea that I may not be interested in having all the fighters. I ended up getting all of them. I will absolutely be buying the second pass.

This article is written like shit. Nintendo Online isn’t required to use Home. Bank will be free for the first month Home is released. So it will cost you $2.99 to transfer your Gen 7 to Sword/Shield. 

So this app is essentially free. All the storage and trading features are accessible without a subscription. Bank will be free for a month so if you have Mons you want to bring forward you’ll have to pony up the $3 for one month of Home. You’re only transferring over once anyway. Home isn’t going to required Nintendo