
I’m in this thing until the end at this point but it was supremely disappointing to go from the battle to save the world back to lineage squabbling and Cersei’s basic bullshit. I hope they show has an ace hidden up their sleeve because we’ve already moved passed the fight for the throne and it’s going to be a hard

Micro transactions in games by definitions are RNG elements (Loot boxes etc.) or Premium or Point based game currency. Paid cosmetic items would be DLC. So no micro transactions in BL3. Randy was correct and this Brock guy either doesn’t understand how video games work or he’s just being an ass.

Well I’m sorry but your opinion on this film doesn’t matter. It wasn’t made for you. Nobody cares what some 30 something woman’s review of Endgame is, this film wasn’t for you.

The fan service for 11+ years of films was fantastic. So many great moments. However as a film it was pretty terrible. The Time Travel, which is the entire plot of the film, isn’t just sloppy it’s straight up broken. They spend several scenes lying down the ground rules of their time travel and within minutes break

Fine then. I don’t think most men want/need to have women all “dolled up” and it mostly women who dictate what level of make up is appropriate. The natural/minimal make up look is fine. I try to keep my beard trimmed and my head shaved so it doesn’t look like I crawled out of a bush. You have to look presentable and I

I’ve been getting this feeling that Carol is going to be a bait and switch in Endgame, as in she’s not going to be in the film for too long. Reading the way the writers and directors of Endgame talk about the character here only reinforces that idea. This film was pretty much done with principal photography before

Those expectations you speak of are created and upheld by women and women alone.

I’m not a fucking asshole so I don’t game on a PC. It may not be my place to voice my opinion on this but it seems that if Developers can keep more of the profits rather than giving them to a storefront for doing basically nothing it would be better for everybody. Maybe people like watching people in the gaming

I can’t believe this site just won’t let TLJ die. Of course it was a fun movie with lots of exciting ideas and set pieces. It was also Transformers level of dumb. It was poorly written, lazily put together and downright embarrassing in many, many places. Let it go. The people who choose to ignore it’s flaws will never

That photo looks shopped as fuck.

Just another reason to stay far, far away from gaming on a PC. It’s a community toxic elitist a-holes that have no business play video games in the first place. Stay black. Play on consoles.

Remap and switch the shoulders and triggers. I did it back in DMC4 and in DMC5. Not only does it make playing easier it … well, that’s it actually.

Also Thor beat Thanos (equip with all Infinity Stones) by himself. He just failed to prevent the snap. He did in fact defeat Thanos. Had Thor not relished in his victory and finished him off, Thanos would have be dead. All Thor has to do is go get Thanos and make sure to aim for the head this time.

So I was dead on when I guessed the opening to Infinity War, let’s try my luck with a prediction of the first act of Endgame.

I feel like there are still far to many people intelligent enough to not use these services. Only a fucking moron would utilize Uber or Lyft. How many times did we hear from out parents growing up, “Don’t get into a stranger’s car.”

How is this even a thing? Just buy it from Epic’s store. It make so difference. I’d compare it to wanting to play a PS4 game on a SWITCH but even that isn’t a fair comparison. The closest comparison I guess would be if you ready to hand your money to the cashier and he holds out his left hand to take your money but

1 Billion. Those damn internet trolls really killed Captain Marvel huh?

We really need to put a stop to internet trolls.

Why is the internet convinced that they’re going to hop around in time stealing the stones from past events? That would be so lame, not to mention nonsense. Once they snatch the Tesseract from Loki every event from that point on is changed so they’d have no way to find the rest of the infinity stones.

Anything less than 4 hours is a tragedy.