
If they don’t make Elsa a fish eating lesbian in this I will drop trou and brick in the isle of the theater.

Hurray. This will effect Amazon and it’s employees in no way shape or form. The unionized workers of NY can enjoy their “victory” and their measly union approved paychecks while Amazon keeps growing bigger and collecting more money.

This sucks. Why does every company need to have their own streaming service. They are eventually going to kill the entire concept. Just buy in or partner with an established one. Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Video is all anybody should need and it’s one too many as it is. 

There are some flavor combinations that are so perfectly paired that normal people cannot handle their level of elevation. Pineapple and Ham is one such example. It’s a perfectly balanced combination of sweet/salty/tart that you need an advanced palette to experience it. I’m 100% positive that the worlds top culinary

I realize where I am right now but …

It’s filming in London correct? If they have 8 actually Middle eastern people they found all of them in the area. Jesus Christ get a grip.

Honestly if Endgame is less than 3 hours I’m gonna be disappointed.

I think most people forgot but the POP figures started with using only Horror film icons. My wife was collecting these when they just did just horror movie monsters. She’ll still grab one when it’s horror related.

Pelosi is a garbage person and I refuse to find it cute when she acts like a spoiled little shit. She will accomplish nothing for the American people in need. The old time Democrats are as much a waste of breath as the GOP. “It’s so cool how Pelosi threw shade a Trump.” Great, she’s still a useless turd. Don’t pander

I own a 3DS, Switch, XboxOne, & PS4. I play my 3DS more than my Xbox & PS combined. I do play a lot of Switch too but the 3DS is king.

Awesome. I hate when shows spin their wheels endlessly. Having a set number of seasons really improves the show. Plus Season One was pretty much a masterpiece while season Two was great but seemed to get lost in trying to keep the What’s Real/Fake tone of the first.

First off, reading this was heart breaking. Me and my wife went through a miscarriage and it was devastating to put it lightly.

Charter Schools are designed to offer unique education options to help kids who otherwise can’t succeed in a public school setting. The rhetoric that they are “killing” public schools is bullshit. They are showing the faults of the public school systems. Public School are getting worse and worse and Private & Charter

Can’t wait to win. The NFL is a fucking joke, but goddamn if I don’t love me some Pats hate. Please take home the trophy Pats, the poopie diaper rage it creates will fuel me for the whole year.

When John Coffey dies, When WallE gets crushed and doesn’t remember EVE, The flashback where Poe see’s that his mother gave her life to save him. That’s it for tears.

So snowball’s chance in hell, but how great would it be if Maroon 5 comes out for their set and just takes a knee for the whole halftime show?

I can’t even find the time to finish the game myself, let alone watch somebody else’s playthrough. Where in the hell do people find the time?

Why do everybody have such pointy fingers? It like a bunch of witches in these videos.

I really love Attack The Block but it’s a perfect example of how not to craft your characters. There isn’t one person in that film that isn’t a complete shit stain. It really takes away from an otherwise fantastic spectacle when you have nobody to root for. Boyega’s character is the closest thing to a likable person