The Jeep
It’s really a shame that drinking and driving is so politically incorrect at the moment.
I can’t imagine that in a world where Netflix and Amazon are ramping up original content that the execs at either aren’t willing to Thunderdome their own mothers to get a Clarkson-headed car show under their respective brand.
Good reminder that Jeremy is human. We’ve all made mistakes, just not with this much public attention attached to them. Eagerly looking forward to his next car show.
The right answer is whatever you’re driving now. To anywhere but the reunion. Reunions are B.S.
I didn’t know Harbor Freight sold rims that size.
“The principal told Love that it wasn’t anything personal”
“Sure, I appreciate it, Dad. Giving me a football with my own autograph on it just seems a little odd.”
If you ran for president on the “Birth control in the water; apply for the antidote” platform I’d vote for you.
This is the type of person who will wail and moan and cry about “what a tragedy it was” and how it was somebody else’s fault if these kids get hurt (yes, I understand it would be a tragedy for these kids to be killed, but it would be so easily prevented).
Speaking as a Brit it would probably be termed a flatbed truck, or a pickup.
Hey, young people drive Buick now. Have you not seen the commercials starring that flashy 39-years-young Peyton Manning, the sprightly Shaquille O’Neal, aged 43, and the barely legal Marissa Miller (born 1978)?
This is one of my good friends, the Jeep is fine the noise was his tow hitch hitting the hook. The jagoff towed him for 3 blocks with him in the car honking before this happend.
Nobody wins? I disagree. JEEP GUY WON. I don't even like Jeeps, but this sold me.
That's exactly what they do. Goodyear gives teams recommended minimum air pressures but these are no longer enforced, so teams often go way below recommended levels making the first few laps on restarts treacherous until temperature and pressure come up. Starting them this low allows for a longer period of time at…
I think you mean "laced". I suppose there's a chance that someone could be sold laced weed without knowing it but you could make the same argument about anything. Bad people do bad things. However, the original statement remains true. Weed is safe.