Picture of Durian Gray

I wish your shithead executives would let you and your readers publicly mourn Splinter. It is missed.

She didn’t respond nearly as well to my Activia story. And I had photos.


59. Suggest that men who commit crimes against women receive appropriate legal consequences

Do you know what Jesse Singal’s fucking deal is?

You spelled “committed mass genocide” wrong

I know this isn’t the Root but this should really be tagged under Wypipo, no?

What if we actually do mean all white people?

2Passion 2Christ


VSB should hire that kid.

The Word Network huh? I guess we are going to have a “local” conversation. At 4 in the morning.

Yes, seriously.

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”


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Preach it brother West! Just because a person is the same color as you doesn’t mean he represents your interests. Record over platitudes anyday. Let us not forget brother Cory Booker was black and he voted against the importation of cheaper pharmaceutical drugs because he received campaign contributions from the

*ever-changing world in which we live in