Pure debauchery? What r u amish?
Oh my GOAWD!! how did I forget about her? She’s a delight! I’m so happy for her. I’m gonna listen to the new album STAT!
They should bring the black panther party as guests!!
You see, I’m a man (disguised as a stinky fruit). I believe in feminism, I support feminism, I try to put it in practice as best as I could. When someone straight up ask me if I am one, I do answer yes enthusiastically (which has happened a few times, cuz I’ve called out many men when they’re being sexist (cookie,…
Like is that THE worst thing that’s happening in #noko? Not the work-to-death camps or the public executions? Long lines at the pyong yang conoco?! The horror!!
If it’s pronounced “dough-tard,” then it’s a very fun word to say. I’ll start saying it all the time.
Don’t fall for it. Serenity now. Serenity now.
Don’t you love how jezz is co-signing this racist bullshit(not to mention its jailbaity as shit). They want the clicks, the outrage, well I’m bored... There’s better music out there.
Wait, she never got permission/ paid for those samples?!
Hello, hello. Is this thing on?
They didn’t book him. THEY OFFERED HIM A JOB!!
I assume she would use utensils; they would be golden, but the food should be safe. But what about chips and Ethiopian food and sandwiches and pizzas and tacos? Gloves? That’s no fun
I thought breaking bad ushered in the late era of peak tv. People (read: i) are too lazy to go to movie theaters, and paying that much for what could be a disappointment is a risk that im not willing to take these days. People want good quality content they can watch at their convenience and that is not going anywhere…
A Kid can dream...
“She is the first female musician to ever rank first on McAfee’s list.”
I actually pronounce ‘filet’ phil-it thanks to the brits, idk I just like it better. Phil-lay just sounds too much. Like too fancy for the actual thing you referring to.
#NoKo? Is he trying to flip north korea? Gentrification is out of control!!
Does he want a wife or a project manager?