
This is an important story to report, because Hardy’s brother was in the driver’s seat. Talking to the media is not important, especially when there are unsolved crimes for the Hardy boys to investigate.

Apparently I accidentally deleted a bunch of text just before posting and now it’s too late to edit. I can’t even remember what I wrote last...

Man, when they find out that their password’s been plastered all over the internet, that hand is gonna be pissed.

You need a license to hunt, fish, drive a car and numerous other things but any asshole can have a kid.

The Swedish Academy of Science extends invitations to a handful of economists around the world each year, asking them if there are someone they would like to nominate. This year, they made a mistake, and extended one of the invitations to Bhagwan Chowdhry, who appears to have done this as a PR stunt, knowing full well


Please don’t let Geraldo open this one.

“They found grain in there too, right?”

Kristina Laurence is a hero. In a horrifying situation, her stand for the truth when everyone around her (even the victim, initially) was telling her to shut up, is truly awe inspiring.

In light of the topic of this article, here are some resources for anyone who needs help:

This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.

This is beyond horrifying.

“In a world that looks just like that other desert world but it’s actually a different one honest. One woman. One man. Okay, two men. And a lot of other women and men too. And a robot. And other robots. And a wookiee. Must face a man in black. Must fulfil their destiny. Must uncover the truth about their past. Must

Doubt it.

‘...the owner is someone “high in the [government].”’

I like Christmas but this is too damn early. I’m going to hide with the octopus. Who wants to join me?

What about the one (Flyleaf? FireGate? I don't remember) with the ship, and the captain was sort of like Han Solo, with the robot girl and the doctor and the guy with the hat? Sometimes they spoke Spanish. That show was a good one, and it got cancelled.

I’m just waiting to find out that Carson is really just a white guy in black face that was dreamed up by the Republican party.