
How is this any more than a person just saying whatever gender phase they use naturally, as in referring to their car or other inanimate object.

This is why we can’t have nice things!

Yes, if it were to require the poncho. But in the situation it doesn’t?

Finally, some good news! Congratulations Virginia!

I think it’s for short term emergency use, where you might not have access to a water source.

Not to be that guy... but didn’t he just ‘slide’ down a graded snow slide? Not really “Fall”?

Daddy? Daddy!!

Looks can really be deceiving, can’t they?

Instead of grabbing pitchforks and torches, lets take a moment to just feel for the people involved in this situation.

I think the CGI blood is done on purpose... A conscious decision by the creators to keep whatever feel they have going

So, first act.