
This is bad.

Torrents are alive and well for it. Just use an unfiltered search engine like goduckgo and search for Metroid II AM2R torrent and you’ll get some hits.

I thought this information was already out there. The game does really seem like it should and would have multiplayer but it isn’t. I remember digging into this at one point and finding that it was confirmed not to have real time multiplayer. It is only multiplayer in the sense that everyone helps shape the shared

Do what you want to do

Jesus Christ, are you serious?

As someone who really loves and appreciates older games and movies...it really bothers me when people are unable or unwilling to view them with a frame of mind appropriate for the time period they came out. Your expectations sound like they were absolutely ridiculous. This machine is wasted on you and you should find

I don’t know....DJ Toaster breaks it down pretty clearly. It is only an indication of distance, not direction. It is a simple game of Hot or Cold.

There is an extension called The Camelizer

There is an extension called The Camelizer

Thanks, I was just about to ask the same question!

Thanks, I was just about to ask the same question!

This is kind of how I feel about every trading card game. You either gamble your money on booster packs or you embrace what is essentially a sort of derivative of scalping. I still enjoy playing card games casually so when it comes to TCGs I just pick up matching theme decks and run them against each other with like

Mr. Happiness Edition...

This is amazing in both the worst and best kind of way. He is right about the stink though. I don’t care who you are...you have to keep your own nasty funk in line. Don’t put that on anyone else.

Never stop adventuring maze rat.

It appears to be....jammed!

I think the world would just run a little more smoothly if everyone held themselves at least somewhat accountable for anything they could have had any control over. Parents are without a doubt accountable for the actions of their young children. If you are in charge of monitoring a young child, you are responsible for

Between these anniversary giveaways and the huge list of legendaries available in ORAS, I’ve decided it’s a good time to try collecting every legendary pokemon.

Jesus all this time I never really thought about what the name means (I am from the US)

It can be difficult to focus with a throbbing erection.

Here I thought raid was the mildly out of place word in the title.

This should not be as funny as it is. I’m fucking dying!