
To be honest, my biggest issue is with how ridiculous they look. The bright ass yellow alone makes them stand out like a sore thumb. In any case, it was definitely an unnecessary addition.

I found out recently that above ankle socks make you look dorky in shorts. All these years I had no idea. I always knew fashion was a dubious art form, but it wasn’t until then that I realized it was a genuine menace to society. What kind of person is offended by the color red?

Yes! I loved Pokemon Origins. I know pokemon is largely geared for kids, but I thought Pokemon Origins did a great job of meeting fans half way. The regular animated series is really obnoxious just with the voice acting and writing alone. Even as a kid I thought it was a little over the top.

While I’m not partial to

One day WasherDryerCombo...One day your time will come and everyone will appreciate your brilliance and majesty like I do.

Spook Garden sounds like a good theme for a level in a game.

I think its kind of cool that they would give weird one off games a shot. Its hard to tell what kind of levels of play you will see until you raise the stakes. You never know what might come out of it. It’s also kind of a fun way to add a little something fresh into the event. Think of it as the fun, wacky game slot

Those are Rick Moranis glasses.

I read the entire article, and I just went over it again. Yep...no confirmation that she is in fact a reincarnation of Link. You are assuming that to be the truth. From a story telling perspective, this all makes a lot more sense for her to mistakenly believe she is a reincarnation of the hero of time and so she lives

It seems like there are people from both camps. Some people wanted a literal female incarnation of Link and some wanted a separate character. To me it looks like they kind of tried to meet half way on it.

She is a separate character. She isn’t the hero of time or the holder of the triforce of courage. She is different from Link in as many ways as she is intentionally similar. This entire article is built around explaining that point. Also it’s weird that you would pick and choose which parts of her development are

Censorship debate aside, it seems like you could get by this with mods. Even as the developer you could release your game and then hint at a mod with a wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Whether they create it themselves or even just make it very easy for anyone to do, people would get what they want and everything stays in the

imouto teki

I think that’s just part of the personality they went with for her. She seems like a high energy, happy-go-lucky type of personality which fits right into the “little sister-like” description they gave her. That comes across with exaggerated expressions just like it does in other Japanese animation. I don’t think it’s

To each their own. I use my Wii U just as much as I use my PS4 and PC.

Shes is totally just a version of Link

Robots falling over will always bring me joy.

And it’s too bad because the animation work itself was very well done.

What is the point of an iron body without repulsor beams?

That ranks up there with jiggling tits in a game, fucking sexist 13-year old boy mentality.

If you drug somebody to make them fall in love with them and/or have sex with you it’s rape.