
The first video is edited... It doesn't help it's cause that the comments are filled with a bunch of (man)children group-trolling in the name of reddit.

Also, I cannot stand the way the game theory guy talks. I watched the Link is Dead theory for Majora's mask and I actually liked the video. Sure it had some holes

When I was younger my parents very rarely ever played games. When they did I could understand why...they were confused, terrified, and helpless. They did all of the stereotypical body/arm movements to match their efforts, and for all they tried they would just end up dead within seconds.

I could probably count the

Now playing

This may or may not be what you were looking for.

I'm not expecting much...but for only $13 it'll be nice to have an extra controller.

Re: Logitech Gamepad F310 ($13) | Amazon

I'm not expecting much...but for only $13 it'll be nice to have an extra controller.

Re: Logitech Gamepad F310 ($13)

Agreed! She should be in more games in general

The Last Starfighter. Its a bit cheesy, but that can be a good thing depending on what you are into! Its worth a watch either way

The funny/sad part about that is mega man is actually one of the "commons" from wave 3-2. Him and Sonic have been restocked multiple times in stores, the really rare ones are Ike and Dedede. If you didn't get them day 1, you probably aren't going to get them unless by some insane chance someone returns one to a

Funny to find you here then seeing how above everyone else you are.

Whoa, that is about as official as it gets! I suppose as a news website Kotaku should probably follow the rules. That said, maybe they should go all the way and include the trademark symbol in the first use as well =P

LEGO™ Bricks

Sounds like you might be having difficulties distinguishing verbal irony from situational irony. If you were going to be sarcastic you would have said "I am clearly above it if I am still responding to you." It doesn't really make a difference though.

I hear this from time to time in kotaku comments...but growing up I always said Legos. I think I'd be more open to changing my ways if I saw some official source telling me it is wrong.

According to this, you shouldn't use either. It should be Lego Sets or Lego Bricks. Just like it should be Kleenex tissues, not

Funny to find you here then seeing how above everyone else you are.

I wasn't really "popping off", at least not to the extent that you are now. I read your statement several times to make sure I wasn't misreading it or there weren't more ways it could be understood. I came to a conclusion and responded accordingly. You have neither corrected any potential misunderstandings, nor

Earlier games often had little reveals or surprises that were easily missed if one just skipped the credits.

I've played a lot of games from the 80s and most of the time after the credits roll, all you see is "The End", "Congratulations", or "Thanks for playing". You may get an image along with it. Post Credits content seems to have only grown more popular over the years if anything. I don't think growing up in the 80s

I'm genuinely confused by what you are trying to say. I understand the second sentence, just not really the first.

It's a god damn teaser you ass.

This 1930's cartoon game looks spectacular. I just hope that it plays well too, once I get my hands on it sometime this year.