
Sorry, you'll have to be a little more clear on what you are asking.

He was a good sweeper in x/y. Most sweepers are glass cannons, fast and powerful. The runner-up in the 2014 world championship had a charizard on their team.


It is not offensive to call someone smart because being smart is a positive attribute. Being stupid is negative. The former is advantageous and admirable while the latter is the opposite. The same could be said for beautiful/ugly, strong/weak, or clean/dirty. The difference is pretty straightforward. You said

idiot isn't a name, it's an adjective

Look, if you are having such a hard time being understood, maybe you need to actually clarify your points and focus on the discussion. Most of your responses to me and many others completely avoid the actual points being made. There isn't a need for sarcasm, there isn't a need for any aspect of our conversation. It

Passion is bad and I'm wrong. Got it. Thanks for clearing everything up for me.

It doesn't matter if you mentioned anything about competitions. Fighting games are competitive. They are designed with the sole intent of pitting two players against each other. The point you keep trying to make is that a button masher has a chance of beating a skilled player.

It is extremely evident by your original comment and your persistence despite all of the responses you've received that you have absolutely not interest whatsoever in competitive fighting games. No one really cares if you don't like them, but stop trying to justify why you are unskilled at them. Is it that important

Is that how you figure top professionals win thousands of dollars competing in tournaments?

Don't know much about football or these players, but this is easily one of the more entertaining clueless gamer segments. Normally it seems like they pair him with someone who knows what is going on and is trying to explain it (kind of taking away from the humor a little bit)

George is a sick man...but he is not so sick that he would deprive us of joffrey's death. We all knew it was coming...we demanded it...we needed it.

Samurott is the best.

1. Magnificent mustache and beard? Check
2. Crazy Unicorn helmet? Check
3. Swords he pulls out of his arms? Check

Look at him. LOOK AT HIM.

Don't be that guy...no one has the time to explain it...You are only going to get vague replies. An amiibo's purpose is ever growing with each new game that supports them, so without going through every game and telling you what they do in each one, you won't really know what they are for.

Just read the wiki or

I think there's less concern with the gains for scalpers as there is for the loss for genuine buyers. That said their gain (small or large) is still a little bit of salt in the wound.

I think his point was more that the ports of the first game to XBO, Wii U, and 3DS would sell better if people didn't get hyped up for the second one. To what degree there is truth to that I'm not sure. Maybe it's possible he actually feigned dissatisfaction with their financial strategy as a subtle means of

Well ok....but only because its for mother...

Did you not like MK9?

Wooooo...cheap publicity.

Sometimes that's a good thing. Fresh faces devoid of expectations or associations.

I'm curious what info is out there...but I'm not willing to pay these people to find out. I only tried two of them, but are any others free? I'm not expecting any but figured I'd ask.

I will probably go through and make the opt out requests for myself and my family either way.