
That would be no different than putting porn on netflix. Porn is a big enough thing to stand on its own. I think you underestimate how overwhelming and cluttering it would be to have them together.

lol...opening the flood gate to porn games? That'd be great.

Good. Fuck that game.

I don't get why people who don't get amiibos need to be so vocal about it. No one is forcing you to indulge in them, go find something to enjoy.

I think he is aware that it is a cliffhanger. The whole purpose of a cliffhanger is to get the person consuming the entertainment to become anxious for the next installment.

I can't help but think of the latest pikmin crew when I see that character design. Looks pretty fun though...just a shame I won't get be playing it any time soon.

If it makes you feel better, I always used "legos" growing up and still do. Up until now I never realized it might have mattered!

From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? (James 4:1)

Same here man. Mine was a little different though, not quite as "micro"...no wheels or anything like that. I got it sometime mid-late 90s

Functions of the smash amiibos is that you get a portable, customizeable, learning AI that also accrue items as they fight, additionally they will be useable in other games for costumes or other in game items. You've probably heard this before since I doubt this is the first time you've asked this question. They are

I have a hard time believing they would go through the trouble and cost of making any of these figures and only sell one shipment of them despite demand being well above expectations.

It outsells the PS$ in america for one month...Good luck closing the worldwide sales gap to date. We are only going to see that gap grow with the Chinese launches.

"Free to play" right? ;]

Why is it I always have to want what Nintendon't? Include more classic Pokemon and this is gold!

People do have individual perceptions. My coworker will eat the "Hot" salsa saying it isn't really that spicy, meanwhile I'm over there blowing my nose every two bites. Is it spicy? Well it sure is compared to the mild and medium at least, but the rest is subjective. Is there hotter stuff out there? Sure, try

The only pretentious thing here is your comment. Also the only negative thing. Nice work.

This is so simplified it isn't even really helpful. It disregards all of the following:

1 Horizontal and Diagonal movement.
2 Priority and duration of the third jump attack (if any).
3 Vulnerability before and after the third jump.
4. Additional (non-Up+B) moves that assist recovery

This might as well be a list of

I still don't understand why. One thing I do understand is that people will always find the smallest things to lament over.

Another good tag is Bitpop

There was a good Tetris on facebook once. Then it became so ad-ridden that you'd have to wait a good 30 seconds between every few rounds. There was also a nice chess game where you could take your turns whenever you had the time, that was pretty cool...I don't think that sort of leisurely chess would work on most